Absolutely Not Another Reading Test Study Guide
Reading methods instructors, preservice and practicing teachers must meet the challenges of cultivating a solid understanding of effective literacy practices to get ready to teach in classrooms across the country. If necessary-depending on the state you live in-you must pass the required foundational reading tests and student teacher performance assessments. Policies and mandates come and go, but meeting the challenge of understanding and implementing effective literacy practices never fades. This book is organized into five sections with 14 chapters. Features include more than 70 chapter questions (similar to those found on literacy exams for teacher certification), teacher performance assessment support, a delightful cast of animated characters, graphic organizers at the end of each chapter, and QR code links to a custom website. Section I: Preparing to Teach nurtures the heart and mind of preservice teachers and educators alike. The content commits to a comprehensive view of mindful, responsive, and effective teaching and learning. It provides instructors, preservice and practicing teachers a welcoming place to return, tracking their connections as they explore the other chapters. It celebrates community, conversation, and a commitment to the students we teach. Like starting a garden from scratch or improving the soil of an existing one, we begin with a deeper, more fertile view of literacy, so in turn, all learners thrive. Section II: Literacy-Rich Environment examines how literacy behaviors intertwine and grow through each developmental stage. From the beginning, young children need quality literacy instruction and authentic reading and writing tasks. Whether a student is producing or receiving language, proficiency in the written, oral and visual skills of the language arts is critical. Like the master gardener, the most fertile literacy conditions nourish our students' minds and hearts. Section III: Essential Components is devoted to teaching practices that support knowing how words work and their meanings, fluency, comprehension, and assessment. These essential components are highlighted in their respective chapters; however, they are also dispersed throughout all our chapters. Suggestions are also offered for working with English language learners as well as reluctant and struggling learners. Section IV: Cultivating Knowledge waters the seeds of learning from each chapter to pass reading tests and educational teacher performance assessments. It is vital to share with readers the vision of effective and responsive literacy practices while still recognizing the gravity of initial teacher assessments. The authors share variegated voices, strategies, and tips to successfully answer multiple-choice questions, open response essays, and written commentaries. Section V: Literacy Supplies farms our favorite teaching methods and strategies that instructors use in their methods courses. Know and Grow words in each chapter are presented through a manipulative, engaging vocabulary strategy. This activity is an effective way to learn words in the context before and after reading. The Flashcard Glossary chapter puts a unique twist on learning words, as words are organized into flashcard format. The editors and contributors are a diverse village of concerned literacy experts, educators, preservice teachers, and friends. With determination, they mindfully plow these assessments within responsive literacy practices in preparation to teach and if necessary pass specific assessments that many states have mandated for initial teaching and reading licensure. In doing so, our practices match our beliefs about teaching and learning.