I am seventy-six years of age, have had two heart attacks, and am not really very well. My memory, though, is fine, except sometimes for “names,” but I recall the events as vividly as if they are occurring now. My “Far” passed away on June 10, 2013. Today is Valentine’s Day and I visited my Far twice. Our home on 2665 La Veta Avenue is a mere two minutes away. I have just returned from San Bernardino Community Hospital where I visited a patient, in my capacity as a Muslim chaplain. I am not sure who, if anyone, will ever read this book. It is a chronicle of our wonderful life, but there are many “Cinderella” stories. This is not a masterpiece of the English language, nor is it in any way unique. Writing gave me a great deal of pleasure. I knew I had angels beside me, and at all times, one seraph. We have had much joy, pleasure, excitement, much to wonder about, and much to puzzle over. We have laughed and cried, nearly just as much, sometimes out of pleasure and sometimes out of pain and grief; always, we have “walked with God.” We have made many mistakes—we are only human—and have alienated far too many, but never deliberately nor out of meanness. Those who love us will perhaps forgive, and those who do not may hopefully forget our transgressions, real or imagined, always remembering what Jesus said about “casting stones.” We tried to make a difference and, with the help of God, we did. In as much as this humble effort reflects the insuperable challenges of finding peace and harmony in a small family, I believe it resonates with the pain and suffering inflicted by man on his fellow man, in places like Syria, Central Africa, and the Ukraine, and with more natural disasters such as hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes, which create no less pain and suffering. As I approach the end of my life, I continue in the Ministry of Healing, in the hope that the solace and comfort I attempt to deliver will not be entirely unselfish. Dr. Frank A. Haniff, MD San Bernardino, CA 92404 February 14, 2014