Legendary Locals of Denton
Denton, Texas, was founded in 1857 because residents needed a location near the geographic center of Denton County to house a county seat. The city is located 39 miles north of two larger cities, Dallas and Fort Worth, and the three of them form what is often referred to as the Golden Triangle. Denton, the peak of that triangle, is the North Star, and its residents, past and present, certainly are superstarssuperstars such as Bob Rogers, the beloved Piano Man; Mary Evelyn Blagg Huey, a quintessential leader; and Hal Jackson, an ace war hero and lawyer. Their accomplishments burst forth from the chapters of this book to outshine others with their generosity, talents, skills, community activism, adventurous spirits, energy, civic pride, business acumen, courage, and creativity. Citizens of Denton are proud to say, Our history defines our community. The images and words between these covers illustrate why it should be added, And our people define our history.