This book contains twenty-four Best Paper Award-winning articles presented in the IIHSG International Conference 2022 on Human Security and Governance organised by Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security & Governance, Delhi, India in collaboration with Amity Institute of Liberal Arts, Amity University Mumbai; Centre for Conflict Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA, USA, Security Women, United Kingdom; Department of International Relations; Central University of Jharkhand, India; Department of Defence & Strategic Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India and Department of International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Total 537 human security experts presented paper in this virtual event from every corner of the globe like Italy, Poland, Nigeria, Philippines, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, Pakistan, UK, USA, Bangladesh, Canada and so on. Best articles written by them is added in this volume. In this Conference, there are some articles, which can be brought under the theme of Women Security and Governance. So, we clubbed that in this edited volume. This book, Women Security & Governance tries to address various contemporary security issues in global arena through gendered lenses – like Gender-Water Security Linkages, Property Rights for Hindu Women, Cyber Crimes against Women in India, the Plight of Women During the Conflicts, Gender Security in Domestic Sphere, the Plight of Girl Child Soldiers, Challenges of Human Security in Mongolia, Drone Warfare and Human Security, Rethinking the War on Terror & Global Anti-Terror Initiatives, State-led Anarchy and Human Security in South Asia, Gandhian Ideas on Terrorism as a Threat to Human Security, Human Security and Contributions of Indian Space Programme, Human Security and Sustainable Governance, Engendered Environmental Peacebuilding in Tibet, Northeast India and Bangladesh, Gender Security and Law, and Minority Protection from a Human Security Perspective. I hope that this collection of essays can become a benchmark for the future as well as spur new research agendas and projects that will put the region into a much-needed conversation on the recent trends of women security and the modalities of tackling it by different types of governance.