WOMEN EMPOWERMENT More Needs of the Hour
In economics and development, women's empowerment has become increasingly important. Building stronger economies, achieving globally agreed-upon goals for growth and sustainability, and raising the standard of living for women, men, families, and communities all depend on empowering women to engage fully in economic activity across all sectors. The socioeconomic advancement of society and the mainstreaming of women are both influenced by the empowerment of women. It improves the status of women in terms of their social, economic, and political empowerment, which results in having an equal voice in politics and the decision-making process as well as actively participating at all stages of development. It assists women in developing their capacities, resulting in increased involvement, effective decision-making authority, and control, which ultimately leads to revolutionary action. Various initiatives have been introduced by the central and state governments to advance the position of women. The purpose of this study is to explore the significance of women's empowerment and the numerous government initiatives launched by the Indian government to advance women.