Pets Have Feelings Too!
This book is about listening to pets . . . . . . and talking to pets . . . . . . about how to help pets heal . . . . . . and about how they help us to heal. It’s about my Life Assignment . . . . . . and possibly about yours. It’s about the Universal Truths of Spirit, Life, and Love. Whether a person believes in God, a Supreme Being, or the Big Bang, there is always a philosophical expression we live by. Regardless of your philosophy, religious faith, or creed, each of you should bring to this book your own favorite words to express these Universal Truths that help convey your idea of God. As I wrote these chapters, I used expressions for God, Spirit, Life, and Love with which I’m most familiar, those that touch my heart. My hope is that the expressions I’ve used will touch your heart, also, or that you’ll be able to freely adjust them in your own mind to those that are your chosen favorites. Regardless of the specific terms I may have used in order to keep the presentation simple, my desire is that each of you will find your own sense of spirituality in this book. It matters little to our animal friends what our religious or philosophical preferences are. Their only purpose in life is to give us Unconditional Love and teach us how to Love Unconditionally. Love is their religion, their philosophy. And through the deep Love you and your pet share, I know you’ll be able to joyfully speak to each other’s hearts! On a very practical note, for ease of expression, there are a few places in this book where I may have opted not to follow one of the regular rules of grammar. I may have mixed a singular noun with plural pronouns, or vice versa, knowing full well that I’m taking the liberty of not matching singular with singular or plural with plural. I do so with apologies to editors, teachers, and anyone who loves exactness of expression. Also for ease of both writing and reading in a number of examples, I’ve occasionally referred to a pet only as “he” or only as “she.” However, in your own mind as you read, please feel free to use the pronoun that best represents your own beloved pet. ~ Dr. Monica Anaheim, CA