The Bullock Cart Boy
This book chronicles Tan Sri Dr K.S. Nijhar’s incredible journey in life, from his birth in the back of a bullock cart somewhere between the sleepy hollows of Kroh and Kelian Intan in Perak, Malaysia, through grinding poverty, obscurity and life-threatening ordeals to academic distinction, career success, political astuteness and wide renown. Nijhar’s personal journeys are set against the backdrop of the birth of a nation, from pre-war Malaya to independence and beyond, through his struggles and triumphs in the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), and the relentless pursuit of his goal to serve the community and nation, blazing a trail for other micro-minorities in party leadership, and creating national history. Conveyed with candour and humour, Nijhar shares unforgettable experiences and hard-won, sometimes bitter lessons on how to be the best one can be. Today, at eighty, the “bullock cart boy” shares his life’s philosophy, “Dream and dare, and never give up!” and dedicates a message of hope to future generations, everywhere.