APPLIED SOCIOLOGY FOR NURSES (As per new INC Syllabus) B.Sc. Nursing
We now continue living in a frightening environment. It is a world in transition, marked by significant conflicts, tensions, and societal divisions, as well as the disastrous impact of modern technology on the natural world. Yet, unlike previous generations, we have the ability to shape our own future and improve our lives in ways that previous generations could not have imagined. What will the world's outcome be Why are our living conditions so different from those of our parents and grandparents? What future paths will changes take? These are the fundamental concerns of sociology, a discipline that, as a result, plays an important role in contemporary intellectual life. Sociology is the scientific study of human social life, groups, and societies. It's a thrilling and interesting project. Sociological research has a very broad scope, ranging from the study of random street encounters to the investigation of global social dynamics. Sociology demonstrates the importance of a much broader understanding of why we are who we are and how we behave. Sociology is the newest branch of the social sciences. It is known as the "science of society" because its primary concern is society. No other science has attempted to fully investigate it. In sociology, we don't look into everything that happens "in society" or under social conditions. We study culture, however, for the light it sheds on social connections, for example. Similarly, we do not study religion, art, or inventions as distinct entities. We study social relationships in all of their different forms, types, and patterns. We look at how relationships interact, how they form smaller or larger systems, and how they respond to changes in demands or desires. Examples Concerts, sporting events, and political rallies are likely to draw large crowds. If you attend one of these events, you might only know the people you came with. You may still feel a sense of belonging to the group. You've joined the masses. When everyone else applauds and cheers, you do the same.