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Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology E-Book
Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology E-Book
**Selected for Doody's Core Titles® 2024 in Respiratory Therapy** You can breathe a little easier knowing there's a proven way to master respiratory pharmacology! For more than 30 years, Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology has been the preeminent text on the subject. With easy-to-grasp terminology, relatable explanations, and reader-friendly writing, it simplifies the process of learning pharmacology material like never before. Rau's is organized into three logical sections, covering the basics of respiratory care, frequently used drugs, and critical care medications. New to the 11th edition are recently approved FDA drugs, information on drug approvals, COVID-19 coverage, and new and updated Clinical Connection boxes that focus on important clinical questions, assisting you in connecting the information in the text to the clinical setting and addressing how Respiratory Therapists can help educate patients. - Clinical scenarios with follow-up SOAP assessment help you assess your comprehension of the material. - Self-assessment questions offer you thought-provoking opportunities to test your comprehension of key concepts. - Learning objectives parallel the levels tested by the NBRC® exams to help you identify important information that goes beyond memorization and recall. - Key terms with definitions provide easy access to the pharmacologic vocabulary you should embrace. - Key points boxes in each chapter highlight important concepts in the lesson. - Glossary of all key terms in the text aids you in understanding the terminology associated with respiratory care pharmacology. - Appendices on common Units and Systems of Measurement and Acceptable Mixtures provide references to need-to-know information such as abbreviations, conversion charts for temperatures, liquid metric and solids, and a simple drug compatibility chart for drug mixtures. - Alphabetical drug index provides a direct index to look up information based on drug name. - NEW and UPDATED! Clinical Connection boxes assist you in connecting information in the text to the clinical setting, including providing patients a better understanding of their clinical conditions as related to their drug treatments. - UPDATED! Chapter 1 reflects changes to drug approval. - UPDATED! Chapter 3 reflects changes in aerosol medication devices and addresses aerosol-generating device issues and COVID-19. - UPDATED! The latest FDA-approved medications are referenced in all chapters. - UPDATED! Current asthma (GINA) and COPD (GOLD) guidelines include COVID-19 treatment protocols. - Enhanced readability helps you more easily understand difficult material.
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The Structure and Reaction Processes of Coal
The Structure and Reaction Processes of Coal
Founded on the work of the renowned Advanced Combustion Engineering Research Center, the authors document and integrate current knowledge of the organic and inorganic structure of coal and its reaction processes. With the urgent need for cleaner, more efficient use of this worldwide fuel, their work will set a clear course for future research.
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Response to Marine Oil Pollution
Response to Marine Oil Pollution
Response to Marine Oil Pollution - Review and Assessment is the essential source book, now updated, for all involved in marine oil pollution consequences and response. It covers policy, planning and operations, and provides technical assessment of the true nature of the problem, of the means to maximise the performance of current techniques and equipment, and of the bases for future improvements. This book provides a fundamental understanding of the oil properties and processes which determine the persistence and impacts of oils in the marine environment. It establishes parameters against which to evaluate performance of all current techniques and equipment, and the environmental impacts of their use. It identifies design parameters, and makes proposals for the creation and development of more effective equipment and techniques. The book also shows how a fresh approach to cargo transfer, and the scaling of spillage response provision to oil releases on immediate impact, will be more effective overall, and will ensure that approved waste handling and disposal facilities are not overwhelmed. The recent Sea Empress incident is reviewed to illustrate the points made and conclusions reached, and to emphasise the need for thorough salvage planning for all future incidents.
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La moneta del diavolo. La più grande truffa del secolo sulle criptovalute
La moneta del diavolo. La più grande truffa del secolo sulle criptovalute
Nel 2016, Jennifer McAdam si trova alle prese con grosse difficoltà economiche. Abbandonato il lavoro a causa di una malattia cronica, la quarantaseienne scozzese è alla disperata ricerca di un modo per rimpolpare le sue finanze, ed è allora che si imbatte in OneCoin, la criptovaluta creata da Ruja Ignatova. Sembra la risposta a tutti i suoi problemi: OneCoin promette forti guadagni e sta attraendo finanziatori da tutto il mondo. Ma dopo aver investito praticamente tutto quello che ha, Jennifer comincia a sentire odore di bruciato. Quando un giornalista la contatta accusandola di essere coinvolta in una delle più grandi truffe della Storia, la prima reazione di Jennifer è di rabbia. Non riesce a credere che la “famiglia” di OneCoin, quel nucleo che l’aveva accolta e fatta sentire al sicuro per la prima volta in vita sua, fosse in buona parte composta da criminali. Si lancia in un’accurata ricerca, interroga lo staff dell’azienda e scopre l’amara verità: la moneta virtuale che OneCoin vende agli investitori non ha alcun valore e non è possibile riscattarla con vero denaro. Da allora, comincia per Jennifer una lotta senza quartiere contro Ruja Ignatova, per portare a galla l’inganno e dare giustizia a chi come lei ha messo il proprio futuro nelle sue mani. Una lotta contro un’azienda milionaria che somiglia quasi a una setta, in cui dominano l’omertà e l’asservimento. Da questo libro presto un film evento per la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer «Uno sconvolgente tuffo in un mare fatto di frodi finanziarie e truffatori misteriosi.» Kirkus Reviews «Una storia che mostra cosa significa ricercare la giustizia a ogni costo, anche davanti a delle minacce di morte.» Booklist «Un avvincente libro a metà tra il memoir e il racconto true crime, impossibile interrompere la lettura prima di aver voltato l’ultima pagina.» Publishers Weekly Jennifer McAdam ha lavorato nel settore del marketing fino al 2016, quando una encefalomielite mialgica l’ha costretta a ritirarsi. Dopo aver scoperto la frode della criptovaluta OneCoin, ha dedicato la sua vita a cercare giustizia per le migliaia di persone che come lei sono state ingannate dall’azienda. Douglas Thompson è un autore di libri di non-fiction che ha lavorato con molte personalità di Hollywood e non solo, raccontando la storia di decine di personaggi ed eventi famosi. I suoi libri sono pubblicati in dodici Paesi e collabora regolarmente con giornali e televisioni di tutto il mondo.
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U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps Aircraft Damaged or Destroyed During the Vietnam War. Volume 2: Listed by Bureau Number
U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps Aircraft Damaged or Destroyed During the Vietnam War. Volume 2: Listed by Bureau Number
This is a compilation of nearly 9,000 separate reports on damaged or destroyed US Navy and US Marine Corps fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft during the Vietnam War. Volume 2 is the complete set of all 2,550 aircraft listed by BuNo. There are also some 2,240 people named in Volume 2 who are associated with all these aircraft; these names have been indexed in the back for ease of use. This set completes the author's 6-volume set that includes the three volumes comprising US Navy and US Marine Corps Aircraft Lost During WWII (15,069 aircraft) and the single volume of US Navy and US Marine Corps Aircraft Lost During the Korean War.
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Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Resource added for the Psychology (includes Sociology) 108091 courses.
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Cataract Surgery
Cataract Surgery
Offering authoritative coverage, Steinert's Cataract Surgery, 4th Edition, takes you step by step from preoperative evaluation and preparation through the full range of surgical techniques and the mitigation and management of complications. New editors, Drs. Sumit (Sam) Garg and Douglas D. Koch, along with a who's who list of top international experts, provide practical technical guidance on all aspects of cataract surgery in a newly streamlined, easy-to-read format. From IOL calculations to glaucoma and astigmatism considerations, perioperative drug delivery to methods of iris repair, this up-to-date 4th Edition delivers essential clinical information, core foundational knowledge, and advanced techniques from cover to cover. - Features expert tips on common pitfalls in cataract surgery, including advanced surgical pearls to maximize patient outcomes. - Contains 10 new chapters covering Modular Intraocular Lenses (IOLs), Femtosecond-Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery, Preoperative Evaluation and Considerations of Astigmatism, Toric Intraocular Lenses (IOLs), Managing Residual Postoperative Astigmatism, Retinal Considerations in Cataract Surgery, Management of Dysphotopsia, Refractive Enhancements after Cataract Surgery, and more. - Provides rich visual guidance with more than 1,200 diagnostic, clinical, and surgical photos and illustrations with clear explanations. - Includes more than 50 videos of narrated surgical footage performed by the authors, offering real-time guidance on the full range of the latest cataract surgery techniques.
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The Environmental Consequences of Growth
The Environmental Consequences of Growth
This book presents a new perspective on the link between economic growth and environmental change. All the key issues in environmental economics are covered, including: * industry, creation and environmental change * air, water and toxic pollution * economic growth and the limits of environmental regulation * ethics and the limits of environmental economics. The central thesis is that whilst new industries are necessary for economic growth, their development creates new environmental problems which become difficult to reverse. An alternative approach, 'steady-state economics', based on the concept of ethical commitment, is put forward as a possible alternative to a high-growth, environmentally destructive economy. Providing a welcome alternative to conventional, neoclassical microeconomic thought on environmental issues, this will be vital reading for students of environmental economics and related subjects.
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