Screen Play 2
BOGYPHOBIA is the fear of what? In I Love Lucy, what was Lucy's maiden name? If you wanted a cup of coffee and you had a pocketful of CRUZEIROS, where would you be? ITS BAAAAACK! If your students liked the brainteasers, jokes, and pop-culture trivia from the screen play CD-Rom, they'll love this sequel! Here are 16 more interactive, visually compelling, ready-to-use games that will get everyone involved, laughing, talking, and having way too much fun. You can use Screen Play 2 for- Loosening up a group... ...a lighthearted segment of your lesson... ...background eye-candy for premeeting mingling... competition at camps and retreats... -and virtually any other youth ministry occasion that requires pure entertainment. Just load the CD-Rom into a computer that's hooked up to a video projector or TV monitor, and get ready for other question screens such as: brand new brainteasers, random jokes (that are actually funny), a boatload of bizarre pop-culture trivia, and even some subtle educational info-just what you need to lighten the moment, the event, or even add to your lesson. Don't have Microsoft PowerPoint? Don't Worry PowerPoint viewer is included on this CD-Rom! System Requirements Windows A personal computer with a 486 or higher processor Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP and Windows NT Workstation 3.51 (with service pack 5.X or later) or 4.0 7 MB of hard disk space (9 MB free for installation only) VGA or higher-resolution video adapter CD-Rom drive Macintosh Any PowerPC processor-based MAC OS-compatible system (120 MAZ minimum recommended) Apple system 7.5.5 to 9.2 16 MB of Ram required to run PowerPoint viewer individually (32 MB Ram recommended) 9 MB of available hard disk space to install the PowerPoint Viewer Color Monitor or display supporting greater than 256 colors and 640x480 resolution CD-Rom drive Microsoft, Windows, PowerPoint, PowerPoint Viewer 97, and PowerPoint 98 Viewer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered Trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Screen Play 2 is the ideal digital game for groups-and not just for teenagers, means tons of fun for players of every age!