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Between History and Poetry
Between History and Poetry
An annotated selection of correspondence between Hilda Doolittle, an expatriate poet, and a graduate student who became her literary advisor, agent, and close friend. Letters are chosen to focus on Doolittle's creative process, her reading, and the publication of her work within the context of this developing friendship. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
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Teaching Pronunciation Hardback with Audio CDs (2)
Teaching Pronunciation Hardback with Audio CDs (2)
The second edition includes updates and insights on current research and pedagogical practice that have developed over the last decade. This new edition of Teaching Pronunciation - undoubtedly the gold standard for pronunciation methodology texts - has been revised to reflect recent research into the sound system of North American English, as well as new practices in pronunciation pedagogy. Audio CDs with additional examples are now packaged with the book.
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No Place for a War Baby
No Place for a War Baby
Donna Seto investigates why children born of wartime sexual violence are rarely included in post-conflict processes of reconciliation and recovery. The focus on children born of wartime sexual violence questions the framework of understanding war and recognizes that certain individuals are often forgotten or neglected. This book considers how children are neglected sites for the reproduction of global norms. It approaches this topic through an interdisciplinary perspective that questions how silence surrounding the issue of wartime sexual violence has prevented justice for children born of war from being achieved. In considering this, Seto examines how the theories and practices of mainstream International Relations (IR) can silence the experiences of war rape survivors and children born of wartime sexual violence and explores the theoretical frameworks within IR and the institutional structures that uphold protection regimes for children and women.
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Through the Eyes of a Child
Through the Eyes of a Child
One of the most respected, comprehensive sources on available children's literature. Surveys the history of children' literature, explores the child's response to literature, and explains how to evaluate and select literature for children. Features unique two-part genre chapters -- one part content and one part methods. Covers artists and their illustrations, picture books, traditional literature, modern fantasy, poetry, contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, multicultural literature, and nonfiction (biographies and informational books). Contains illustrations from favorite full-color children's books (in their original colors), and art from real children. Features guest editorials by authors and illustrators; flashbacks of historical events, works, and people; and a section on multicultural literature in every chapter. Provides a dual-platform CD-ROM with annotated reference information on the more than 3000 children's literature titles listed in the book. For anyone interested in children's literature.
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Taboo in Sign Languages
Taboo in Sign Languages
Taboo topics in deaf communities include the usual ones found in spoken languages, as well as ones particular to deaf experiences, both in how deaf people relate to hearing people and how deaf people interact with other deaf people. Attention to these topics can help linguists understand better the consequences of field method choices and lead them to adopt better ones. Taboo expressions in American Sign Language are innovative regarding the linguistic structures they play with. This creativity is evident across the grammar in non-taboo expressions, but seems to revel in profane ones. When it comes to the syntax, however, certain types of structures occur in taboo expressions that are all but absent elsewhere, showing grammatical possibilities that might have gone unnoticed without attention to taboo. Taboo expressions are innovative, as well, in how they respond to changing culture, where lexical items that are incoherent with community sensibilities are 'corrected'.
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Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Neurology
This Gold Standard in clinical child neurology presents the entire specialty in the most comprehensive, authoritative, and clearly written fashion. Its clinical focus, along with relevant science, throughout is directed at both the experienced clinician and the physician in training. New editor, Dr. Ferriero brings expertise in neonatal neurology to the Fourth Edition. New chapters: Pathophysiology of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation, Pediatric Neurotransmitter Diseases, Neurophysiology of Epilepsy, Genetics of Epilepsy, Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Medicine, Neuropsychopharmacology, Pain and Palliative Care Management, Ethical Issues in Child Neurology
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Unofficial Ambassadors
Unofficial Ambassadors
"Those who viewed military families as representatives of their nation believed that they could project a friendlier, more humane side of the United States' campaign for dominance in the Cold War and were essential to the ideological battle against communism. In this untold story of Cold War diplomacy, Donna Alvah describes how these "unofficial ambassadors" cultivated relationships with both local people and military families in private homes, churches, schools, women's clubs, shops, and other places."--BOOK JACKET.
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Er Vets
Er Vets
With dramatic full-color photos throughout, award-winning author Donna Jackson brings to life the inner workings of an animal emergency room, profiling the important work ER veterinarians do behind closed doors. Animals survive traumas with the help of high-tech X-rays, ventilators, endoscopes, and more importantly, the expert care of veterinarians and veterinary nurses who love animals, science, and a daily dose of adrenaline! It takes loads of courage and compassion to be an ER vet!
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Teaching Pronunciation
Teaching Pronunciation
This course includes an overview of current theory and practice. The paperback edition offers current and prospective teachers of English a comprehensive treatment of pronunciation pedagogy, drawing on current theory and practice. The text provides an overview of teaching issues from the perspective of different methodologies and second language acquisition research. It has a thorough grounding in the sound system of North American English, and contains insights into how this sound system intersects with listening, morphology, and spelling. It also contains diagnostic tools, assessment measures, and suggestions for syllabus design. Discussion questions encourage readers to draw on their personal language learning/teaching experiences as they assimilate the contents of each chapter. Follow-up exercises guide teachers in developing a range of classroom activities within a communicative framework.
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Language Education and Applied Linguistics
Language Education and Applied Linguistics
Language Education and Applied Linguistics: bridging the two fields provides a starting point for students and researchers in both Language and Education who wish to interpret and use insights from the field of Applied Linguistics, and for Applied Linguists who wish to engage in dialogue with language educators and researchers in education. Providing a framework for understanding the resources individuals use to communicate, this accessible and innovative text will enable teachers and learners to understand and discuss features and tools used in communication. This framework enables: Learners to explore their current language abilities and their desired future communicative abilities, empowering them to engage with their own language learning needs Language educators to explore central concerns in multiliteracy, digital literacies, plurilingualism and plurilingual development Applied Linguistics students to understand theories of applied linguistics and language education Sociolinguists to bring their research into education Language Education and Applied Linguistics can be used by students, teachers, researchers and teacher educators to explore multilingual contexts and communicative purposes in language classrooms, language education and applied linguistics.
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