The Rise and Fall of the United States
This is my fourth literary work. The fi rst novel, Aryan, the Last Prussian examined man, war and society; the second novel, Over the Rainbow was concerned with man and tyranny; and the third novel, Heroic Hearts focused on doctors in World War II. This historical work examines the rise and fall of nations, the fundamental values upon which each nation was erected, and the reasons for each nations collapse. The Greek historian Polybius proposed that each nation experienced an evolutionary cycle: democracy, oligarchy, dictatorship, tyranny and collapse. For the United States that evolutionary cycle is: individualism, democracy, oligarchy, tyranny and collapse. The United States is experiencing its fi nal phase: tyranny. Its survival depends upon the strength of the fundamental values upon which the nation was erected: individualism, self-reliance and self-interest. This work will demonstrate that the fall of the U.S. is inevitable, and I have selected from history those ideas and events that will lead to its fi nal collapse.