Mineral-water Interfacial Reactions
Clearly explains how to more effectively decipher and predict contaminant fate in the environment by combining kinetic methods and molecular-scale spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to analyze mineral/water interfacial reactions in situ. The book begins with a broad overview, then continues with three sections written by internationally known expert. The first deals specifically with spectroscopic/microscopic techniques that can be used in combination with macroscopic approaches to glean mechanistic information on mineral/water reactions and processes. The second section emphasizes computer models that are used to elucidate surface mediated reaction mechanisms. The remainder of the volume is organized around reaction type, including sorption/desorption of inorganic species, sorption/desorption of organic species, precipitation/dissolution processes, heterogeneous electron transfer reactions, photochemically driven reactions, and microbially mediated reactions. Mineral-Water Interfacial Reactions will be a valuable resource for environmental scientists, geochemists, soil chemists, microbiologists, and marine engineers who need to be familiar with the most current and effective methods for testing and controlling the mobility, speciation, and bioavailability of contaminants in the environment.