The Industrial Work Model
This guide is based on the principles and methods used at Rise, Incorporated, a sheltered workshop providing successful industry-integrated programs for handicapped persons. It is intended to serve as a model both for existing service providers who are interested in retooling their program in the direction of industrial work services and other organizations that may be planning those programs for the first time. The manual is organized in 10 chapters. The first chapter provides a background and rationale for the service model, and Chapter 2 defines the program. Setting up the program is the subject of Chapter 3; Chapter 4 focuses on marketing. Key administrative issues, such as type of work model and service delivery format, wages, production methods and quality, and contract development are discussed in Chapter 5. Funding is analyzed in Chapter 6; Chapter 7 introduces peripheral administrative issues. Chapter 8 comments on staffing, including the Rise staffing model. Service delivery strategies are the topic of Chapter 9, which examines both general program characteristics and specific Rise service modules. The final chapter summarizes the information presented in the earlier parts of the book. Materials are illustrated with examples, sample forms, and flowcharts. A 66-item reference list concludes the document. (KC)