The Jfk Assassination
Revised February, 2011 I called the book a researchers guide for a reason. This book is a compilation of the material I read about the assassination, but in a totally different format. Easy to read; direct and to the point. I tried to give as much information as possible. Obviously I could not possibly put all the information in one book, so I was a bit selective in the data I recorded. It contains numerous aspects of the case and nearly every line will lead the researcher to the source of the information so they can continue to look into that particular topic. When I started my research, my goal was to prove Lee Harvey Oswald did not murder John Kennedy. By the time I proved Oswald did not shoot Kennedy, I noticed Oswald did not shoot Tippet either. Noting where he was seen before the shooting and where he was after the shooting will prove he was not at the window at 12:30pm; I will prove my point. I determined Oswald did not have time to get into position to do the shooting. The motorcade was scheduled to pass the Book Depository at 12:25 pm. Oswald was in the lunch room at 12:15 and Bonnie Ray Williams was on the 6th floor, alone, until 12:20. A good sniper would have been in position well in advance of his preys expected arrival, which Oswald was not. But wait theres more. . . Looking at some of the evidence from a totally different perspective, I was able to prove, a conspiracy. I compared the wounds, with the Bullet count, and the time statistics of the rifle. I assure you no one has looked at it from this viewpoint. The closest any author came to mentioning this concept was Harrison Livingstones book, High Treason.