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Man Hunt
Man Hunt
Slowly, Richard Judd raised his hands to his head where it felt like someone was beating on him like a drum. As he did so, he felt like something... water... was pouring off them. His probing fingers encountered more wetness; sticky this time. As he touched his forehead, new pains erupted. Had he hit his head? And why was it so dark? He tried to force his eyes open wider and succeeded in catching a glimpse of brightness above him. Slowly, his memory began to come back to him.
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The Preacher's New Clothes
A Call to Recovery, Restoration, and Reconciliation with God and our posterity...
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"If you want to lead, if you want to grow, and if you want to be better, it all starts with your mindset." You are where you are today based on the attitudes you had in the past. The person you will be in the future is based on the attitudes you have today. Your attitude controls your success and failure-and it is time for your attitude to give you more success. In God-A-Tude, Dr. Karockas Watkins defines exactly what a God-A-Tude is, then unfolds the concept in five key areas of life: confidence, emotional intelligence, money, leadership, and teamwork. Using insightful stories from his personal life, his service as a church pastor, and his vast professional career, "Doc Rock" informs and inspires you to develop a lifestyle that will train your mind and impact your actions so that you can become all you are meant to be emotionally, spiritually, and as a leader in your home and at your workplace.
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Broken Chains
Broken Chains
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Viajes en el tiempo
Viajes en el tiempo
Este libro es un homenaje a los grandes títulos de un género –el de los viajes en el tiem-po– que bajo el amparo de la ciencia ficción ha conmovido generaciones de espectado-res, ya sea en las salas de cine o ante la pantalla de un televisor. Escrito de una manera cautivadora y amena, Doc Pastor nos recuerda, a través de es-tas páginas, que la cultura popular también está hecha con los mejores mimbres del buen entretenimiento. • Timecop: Un hombre fuera del tiempo. • X-Men: Días del futuro pasado. • Regreso al futuro: La película que todos adoramos. • Doce monos: Una fábula sobre la humanidad. • Los pasajeros del tiempo: Escapando al futuro. • Terminator 2: El viaje en el tiempo definitivo. • Dr. Who: Una serie de culto. • Los Teleñecos en Cuento de Navidad. Un libro apasionante que nos transporta a tiempos pasados y futuros en un viaje que muchos científicos tacharían de imposible.
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Gator Lake
Gator Lake
An orphan from Detroit and a man on the run from his past find adventure, acceptance, and plenty of "Southern comfort" in a small, out-of-the-way Florida town. The town folks of Gator Lake, Florida half believe the legend of a monstrous alligator that inhabits the near-by lake. And the local diner serves up daily helpings of good old comfort food to keep everybody satisfied. Everything seems to be ideal, but big trouble is brewing.
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Aventuras en el tiempo
Aventuras en el tiempo
Cuando se tiene la posibilidad de cambiar la realidad, aparecen mundos insospechados y universos alternativos en los que la mente del creador no tiene límites. Eso, al menos, debieron pensar muchos de los protagonistas que aparecen en estas páginas. Guionistas, directores de películas o dibujantes de cómics que echaron a volar su imaginación para inventar futuros lejanos, universos paralelos o bucles temporales. Doc Pastor nos acerca a algunas de las mejores películas, cómics o videojuegos que tratan el género de los viajes en el tiempo, siguiendo la estela de su anterior libro, "Viajes en el tiempo", y completándolo con nuevas y atrevidas propuestas que han sido abordadas por el cine y la literatura desde diferentes puntos de vista. Gracias al cine y a títulos como "Frequency", "Atrapado en el tiempo", "Deadpool 2" o "Lightyear" hemos logrado llegar a los sitios más insospechados a través de paradojas temporales, bucles infinitos y viajeros que se trasladan en extraños vehículos. Pero la ficción también nos ha demostrado que no es indispensable una máquina para viajar, porque puede haber infinitas maneras de hacerlo, como el mítico DeLorean de la trilogía "Regreso al futuro".
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An Island Adventure
An Island Adventure
On an island seven miles off the coast of Maine, Pastor Jake Styles, peacemaker and self-appointed island sleuth, was knee deep in a murder mystery. His skiff was missing and implicated in the transport of the body of a woman recently murdered. Adding to his complications, his fingerprints were on a knife thought to be the murder weapon. Pulling Pastor Jake deeper into trouble was his discovery of a second body. Time was running out to prove his innocence.The discovery of the secret life of a popular church elder was stirring up additional tension on the island. The faith of the inhabitants, including Pastor Jakes, was being tested. Attempting to keep a lid on the outbursts of anger and periodic violence, while encouraging reconciliation, was proving difficult.
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