Gardens of Peace
Lessons from the Past - Honor, Remembrance & Reconciliation... ... quite possibly the only lessons of importance derived from the torn and scarred but necessary Peace & Freedom confrontations of America in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World Wars 1+2, Korean and Vietnam wars. This profoundly- unique book, Gardens of Peace, was created and designed by photographic-artist and publisher D. S-Strong, a vietnam-era U.S. Navy flying officer, who recffalls- with great assistance from Amrecian Battle Monument Comission (ABMC) - the bravery and patriotism of all U. S. military servicemen-women that fought and died for eternal Liberty and Justice throughout the world. Featuring magnificent photo + art imagesof all ABMC cemeteries and memorials (plus a few views of similar Allied and Axis burialgrounds), a dramatic story (historically true), veteran combay memories, and prayers for greater reconciliations of former enemies (i.e., Germany, Japan) now gracious with America, Lt. Strong's book has planted a few more seeds of truth, honor and happiness for all military and civilian generations today and tomorrow. Also planted are proud salutes to the American Battle Monuments Commission, a Federal Government Agency responsible for management and operation of 22 World War 1 and World War 2 U.S. military cemeteries.