Diana Living Through Life's Challenges
The complete and utter destruction of London seems imminent. Holmes and Watson now face their greatest challenge ever. Never have they known an enemy with such a powerful and terrible technology at his disposal. The desperate quest is begun to stop the Oriental master of the three dragons before he can carry out his lethal threat upon the innocent inhabitants of Holmes and Watson's beloved home. A beautiful and mysterious woman enters and soon captures Watson's heart. But what is her connection with the dragon master? And who is the strange Oriental known as Guardian, and why is he looking for Sherlock Holmes? Ancient, wonderful and terrifying sciences are rediscovered by an enemy so evil that the great detective cannot bring himself to call him by his proper name. Can Holmes and Watson discover enough of his secrets in time to save their city and Queen? Will those who become their allies be able to help them stop the dragon master before he does the unspeakable? Will London be destroyed, and will a new China then rise from the ashes? All is revealed in Sherlock Holmes and The Adventure of the Three Dragons. It's Holmes and Watson at their best -- during the worst -- as you have never known them before.