A Way You Have to Be
Here is the fourth book (a Tetralogy) of Dr. Siluk's autobiography short stories, whether in the traditional form of the short story, poetic prose, biography, each story is a piece of history and complete within itself. He does not hold back from the drunk, to the miscellaneous workers of everyday life. Furthermore, and perhaps more so in this book than his previous three, he tells the stories of many of his travels, with humor, realism, some may think even fantasy, but most of all with love for the different people he has met on his journeys. He has put this fourth book into the same category of his previous trilogy: "In My Time," and "Men among Men," also "Times and Seasons," now to make it a tetralogy, comes "A Way You Have to Be," consisting of eighteen short stories, some more like sketches. Again, Dr. Siluk uses his penname or pseudonym, Chick Evens, as he has in his previous trilogy. Within this book you will visit Minnesota, Amsterdam, Germany, Luxemburg, France, Alabama, Vietnam, Mexico, and Peru. The time period starts in 1954, and ends in 2015.This being his 59th International Book, along with 48-chapbooks. At present two of his books are becoming unobtainable, "The Other Door..." and "The Last Trumpet..." out of print for many years that demand large prices, they have become collectables, and classics.Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, in the picture, is in a village in Huancayo, Peru. He is a poet since twelve years old, a writer, Psychologist, Ordained Minister, Decorated Veteran from the Vietnam War, Doctor in Arts and Education. He received twice Honorary Doctorate, and was appointed Poet Laureate in Peru, nine times. One of his books, "The Galilean," took Honorable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival, and received an award from the Congress of Peru, for his cultural writings. He is originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, and lives with his wife Rosa, in Lima, Peru and High up in the Andes, in Huancayo, also, in Minnesota.