Marine Ecology
There has never been a more important time to understand our marine environment. Oceans influence our climate and provide a valuable source of food to billions of people. They are vital to our very existence, and they are under threat. Clearly written and beautifully illustrated, Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts addresses the fundamental global processes of primary and microbial production that characterize marine systems before going on to detail the diverse systems we see around the world: from coral reefs to polar regions; from the shores to the deep sea. The third section of the book, 'Impacts', tackles some of the most pressing environmental issues relevant to marine ecology, including climate change, conservation, pollution, disturbance, the impact of fisheries, and aquaculture. New to this edition: A new chapter on 'Climate Change' equips you to think more deeply about climate-related issues by explaining the mechanisms through which oceans respond to the altering climate, A new chapter on 'Sea and Society' delves into the economic and sociological relationship between human beings and the ocean, helping you to fully understand the value of marine ecosystems to mankind and how to manage this relationship responsibly, A comprehensive update of the 'Microbial Production' chapter has re-organised and refreshed the scientific material presented to give a thorough grounding in the chemical principles that inform key microbial processes in marine ecology Book jacket.