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The Law of Likeness
The Law of Likeness
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Surgical Strategies in Endourology for Stone Disease
Surgical Strategies in Endourology for Stone Disease
This book provides a practical guide to surgical endourology. Evidence-based chapters give expert opinion on complex cases, best practice techniques, and treating complications. The book covers a broad range of topics required within urological treatment including basic science, imaging in endourology, the use of technological devices, therapeutics for endourology, the treatment of high risk patients, stone disease management, pelvic kidneys, and dialysis. Surgical Strategies in Endourology aims to give the reader guidance in treating patients with endourological conditions and is relevant to both practising and trainee urologists.
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Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury
Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury
Covering the full spectrum of rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury, this practical reference by Drs. Blessen C. Eapen and David X. Cifu presents best practices and considerations for numerous patient populations and their unique needs. In an easy-to-read, concise format, it covers the key information you need to guide your treatment plans and help patients relearn critical life skills and regain their independence. - Covers neuroimaging, neurosurgical and critical care management, management of associated complications after TBI, pharmacotherapy, pain management, sports concussion, assistive technologies, and preparing patients for community reintegration. - Discusses special populations, including pediatric, geriatric, and military and veteran patients. - Consolidates today's available information and guidance in this challenging and diverse area into one convenient resource.
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A Century of Monetary Policy at the Fed
A Century of Monetary Policy at the Fed
In this narrative history, David E. Lindsey gives the reader a ringside seat to a century of policies at the US Federal Reserve. Alternating between broad historical strokes and deep dives into the significance of monetary issues and developments, Lindsey offers a fascinating look into monetary policymaking from the Fed's inception in 1913 to today. Lindsey's three decades of service on the Federal Reserve Board staff allow him to combine the heft of scholarship with an insider's perspective on how the recent chairmen's and current chairwoman's personalities and singular visions have shaped policy choices with far-reaching consequences. He critiques the performances of Chairman Ben Bernanke and Vice Chair Janet Yellen during the prelude, outbreak, and aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, situating them in the context of the Fed's century-long history. He also quantitatively explores an alternative to the conventional New-Keynesian theory of inflation, replacing so-called "rational expectations" with the Fed's inflation objective. This unique volume is a piece of living history that has much to offer economists and monetary policy and finance professionals.
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The Jewish Social Contract
The Jewish Social Contract
The Jewish Social Contract begins by asking how a traditional Jew can participate politically and socially and in good faith in a modern democratic society, and ends by proposing a broad, inclusive notion of secularity. David Novak takes issue with the view--held by the late philosopher John Rawls and his followers--that citizens of a liberal state must, in effect, check their religion at the door when discussing politics in a public forum. Novak argues that in a "liberal democratic state, members of faith-based communities--such as tradition-minded Jews and Christians--ought to be able to adhere to the broad political framework wholly in terms of their own religious tradition and convictions, and without setting their religion aside in the public sphere. Novak shows how social contracts emerged, rooted in biblical notions of covenant, and how they developed in the rabbinic, medieval, and "modern periods. He offers suggestions as to how Jews today can best negotiate the modern social contract while calling upon non-Jewish allies to aid them in the process. The Jewish Social Contract will prove an enlightening and innovative contribution to the ongoing debate about the role of religion in liberal democracies.
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Understanding Kidney Diseases
Understanding Kidney Diseases
This text aids medical students and trainee doctors in developing their knowledge of the conditions covered and improving their ability to clinically assess patients and formulate a management plan. Once doctors are comfortable in interpreting these graphs, they can use them in consultations with patients about their kidney condition and so support self-management by patients, an increasingly important aspect of healthcare. Kidney diseases and the speciality of nephrology have traditionally been regarded as difficult to understand. This is compounded by the use of complex definitions and terminology. These complex definitions result from a need to categorise kidney diseases according to the way kidney function changes over time, and then to express this in numbers and words. Central to the assessment of patients is the measurement of kidney function. In our teaching of medical students and trainee doctors, as well as in our clinical practice and interaction with GPs and consultant colleagues, we have found that viewing graphs of patients’ kidney function (estimated glomerular filtration rate, or eGFR) against time is a much easier way of understanding kidney diseases. It provides the patient’s ‘kidney history’ and leads into a description of the natural history and management of their condition. We were surprised to find that this graphical approach is not used routinely in teaching or in daily clinical practice. We therefore believe there is a need for a book that uses this approach and we thus sought to compile a collection of illustrative case studies covering an array of disease categories, together with patients’ eGFR readings.
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Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology
Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology
The Veterinary Consult" version of this title provides electronic access to the complete content of this book. "Veterinary Consult" allows you to electronically search your entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Purchasing additional "Veterinary Consult" titles makes your learning experience even more powerful. All of the "Veterinary Consult" books will work together on your electronic 'bookshelf', so that you can search across your entire library of veterinary books. "Veterinary Consult": It's the best way to learn!
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The Letter to the Galatians
The Letter to the Galatians
New volume in a favorite Bible commentary series Writing a commentary on Galatians is a daunting task. Despite its relative brevity, this Pauline letter raises a number of foundational theological issues, and it has played a vital role in shaping Christian thought and practice over the centuries. In this replacement of Ronald Y. K. Fung’s 1988 New International Commentary volume, David deSilva ably rises to the challenge, providing a coherent account of Galatians as a piece of strategically crafted communication that addresses both the immediate pastoral challenges facing Paul’s converts in Galatia and the underlying questions that gave rise to them. Paying careful attention to the history, philology, and theology of the letter, and interacting with a wealth of secondary literature on both Galatians and the rest of the Pauline corpus, deSilva’s exegetically sound commentary will serve as an essential resource for pastors and theological students.
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Oxford Textbook of Headache Syndromes
Oxford Textbook of Headache Syndromes
Headache syndromes rank amongst the most common presenting symptoms in general practice and neurology, affecting up to 15% of the adult population. Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology series, the Oxford Textbook of Headache Syndromes provides clinicians with a definitive resource for diagnosing and managing patients with primary and secondary forms of headaches, either as isolated complaints or as part of a more complex syndrome. Split into 7 key sections with 59 chapters, this comprehensive work discusses the scientific basis and practical management of headache syndromes in a logical format. Each chapter is written by international experts in neurology who share their research and extensive experience by providing a wealth of practical advice for use in clinical situations. In addition, all content is up-to-date and chapters incorporate discussions on the latest International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition when relevant.
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The Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism
The Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism
This classic study of the idea of Noahide law traces the concept’s historical development and shows how it is relevant to practical discussions of the halakhah pertaining to non-Jews and to relations between Jews and non-Jews. Individual analyses of each of the seven Noahide laws, drawing primarily on classical rabbinic texts by traditional commentators, are followed by a discussion of the underlying theory.
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