Only the Smiths
The local Smith trade expanded in Fetteresso and Glenbervie, Aberdeenshire, as a farming family, supplying wars and feeding people. Mary I was influenced by living in France. The Pope declared a crusade against England, Spain sent armadas. The Union of crowns saw King James VI of Scotland the I of England neglect Scotland. Montrose changed allegiance to stop Cromwell and failed, prisoners to the Americas. England conspired against the Darien investment and bribed investor negotiators for votes for Union. People, without a vote, protested as a right since the Declaration of Arbroath 1320. Landlord Keith, Scotland's Marischal, kin to Smith tenants from the same tribe of Chatti in Europe, proclaimed the true King of Scotland. Pope-given honours safe. Smiths with Burnes neighbours, ancestors of Robert Burns the national poet, on their march to Culloden. Prince Charlie, Regent to correct UK Sovereignty, his father the nearest heir. The people fought to replace the Sovereign, freedom, and independence.