Understanding Clinical Papers
Now in its Second Edition, this book helps to unravel the processof evidence-based practice, which requires clinicians to evaluateand collate information from the journals they read.Understanding Clinical Papers, SecondEdition uses actual papers to illustrate how tounderstand and evaluate published research, but goes beyond this toprovide an explanation of a range of important research-relatedtopics. Understanding Clinical Papers, Second Edition: Covers everything necessary to understand a clinical researchpaper Examples are illustrated and based uniquely on tables,abstracts and exerts from published clinical research papers Amazingly clear, lively, accessible style The new edition has been markedly improved and extended,containing, for example, new material on measurement scales,systematic reviews, writing a paper, statistics software andcritical appraisal “What strikes the reader... straight away isclarity… promises to become a recommended text forundergraduate and postgraduate courses." JOURNAL OF TROPICALPEDIATRICS “The writing style is amazingly clear and does notrequire formal course work in biostatistics orepidemiology…We strongly recommend it for beginners and foreasy entry into a complex domain and to experts who we think willenjoy it and who will find it useful as they teach, advise and helpothers.” QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE “What makes this book unique is that each pointpresented is illustrated with excerpts from actual papers, oftenthree or four per chapter... this is a very effective teachingdevice." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION “This book should be an essential addition to thepersonal libraries of all health care workers who need to usearticles in journals. In these days of evidence-based medicine,this should apply to all physicians, nurses and other healthprofessionals.” ONCOLOGY Understanding Clinical Papers, Second Edition isan invaluable resource for everyone involved directly or indirectlyin health care – an ultimate guide for those who readclinical literature.