Old Testament Made Easier: 3rd Edition
A TEACHER IN YOUR HAND UNDERSTAND THE OLD TESTAMENT AS NEVER BEFORE! In this third edition, now with even more notes and insights not previously published, noted teacher and gospel scholar David J. Ridges brings the Old Testament to life with his well-known teaching skills. With the full text of most of the books in the Old Testament, along with selected verses of many others, these invaluable publications include in-the-verse commentary and informative notes between the verses that provide additional insights and teach principles and doctrines. This set is the ultimate study companion! Join the tens of thousands of readers who have experienced spiritual growth from reading and pondering the books in this series. A POWERFUL STUDY GUIDE Quickly gain a basic understanding of this portion of the Old Testament with the help of brief notes within and between the verses, accompanied by bolding for teaching emphasis. Example: Genesis 15:5 5 And he [Jehovah] brought him [Abraham] forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven and tell the stars [try counting the stars], if thou be able to number them [if you can count them]: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be [you will get an idea of how much posterity you will have]. Transfer these brief notes into your own scriptures to increase your understanding now and in the future. A QUICK REFERENCE • Quickly get help for specific verses or chapters. • Use with your Come, Follow Me study. • Review for a lesson, talk, or family night discussion.