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Healing Power of EFT and Energy Psychology
Healing Power of EFT and Energy Psychology
This groundbreaking book explains how to tap into your body's energy not only to change your health, but to change your behaviours and thought patterns as well. Your body is comprised of energy pathways and energy centres that are in constant motion, interconnecting with your cells, organs, immune system, mood and thoughts. The Healing Power of EFT and Energy Psychology incorporates the concepts of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to show you how to shift these energies, so you can influence your physical health, your emotional patterns, and your state of mind. With this strategy, stubborn phobias often fade in minutes, the lifelong effects of an early trauma can frequently be reduced or completely eliminated, uncontrollable anger can rapidly become manageable and even elusive physical problems may respond where other treatments have failed. Here are simple step-by-step instructions to help you: change unwanted habits and behaviours; enhance your ability to love, succeed and enjoy life; overcome fear, guilt, shame, jealousy or anger. The energy approach presented in this book is clearly illustrated and easy to follow. It will help bring about significant change in your life.
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Energy Medicine for Women
Energy Medicine for Women
"Even the most hard-nosed doctor will admit that some people have a healing presence that makes us--and our immune systems--better than before. Donna Eden is one of those rare healers." --Gloria Steinem Energy Medicine for Women was awarded the prestigious 2009 Nautilus Gold Award in the Health, Healing & Energy Medicine category. A women’s guide to using energy medicine to promote and maintain optimal physical and mental well-being. For more than three decades, Donna Eden has been teaching people to understand the body as an energy system, to recognize their aches and pains as signals of energy imbalance, and to reclaim their natural healing capabilities. In this long-awaited new book, Eden speaks directly to women, showing them how they can work with energy to tackle the specific health challenges they face. Hormonal health is essential to a woman’s well-being, and in this groundbreaking book Eden reveals that a woman can manage her hormones by managing her energies. In fact, energy medicine is effective in treating a host of health issues. From PMS to menopause, from high blood pressure to depression, it offers solutions to women’s health issues that traditional medicine often fails to provide. In Energy Medicine for Women, Eden shows women how they can work with energy to strengthen their immune, circulatory, lymphatic, and respiratory systems to promote health, vitality, and inner peace. Blending a compassionate voice with a profound grasp of how the female body functions as an energy system, Eden presents what is sure to become a classic book on the subject of women’s health.
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Ethics Handbooks for Energy Healing Practitioners
Ethics Handbooks for Energy Healing Practitioners
Ethical principles are far more than mere rules or regulations - they are maps for bringing out your best as a caregiver and healer. Responding to a lack of articulated or standardized ethical guidelines for energy healing practitioners, David Feinstein, PhD, and Donna Eden developed a professional curriculum that has become one of the country's most successful and effective energy medicine certification programs. Now, this comprehensive, case-oriented guide allows veterans of the field and newcomers alike to work through a wide range of ethical dilemmas before they arise, helping you to prevent professional errors that could hurt you, your clients, and your practice. Second Edition.
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Energy Psychology Interactive (Book and CD-ROM, Version 4)
Readers will clearly and easily learn basic and advanced levels of energy psychology to bring about quick and powerful changes in emotions, thought and behavior, from this comprehensive book/CD training program for psychotherapists, health professionals, graduate students and anyone interested in learning the methods. Author David Feinstein led a team of 26 of the recognized pioneers and leaders in this emerging field to create a comprehensive 40-hour interactive training program for those who wish to incorporate the insights and methods of energy psychology into their practices or their lives. The CD-ROM, which won an "Outstanding Contribution Award" from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, includes 17 learning modules organized in an engaging, interactive, Socratic question-and-answer format. It contains text, clear illustrations, video clips, practice sessions, tables, charts, clinical aids, client handouts, and many hyperlinks to fascinating topics. The integrated CD-ROM and companion book present all the critical skills clinicians need. While the book (ISBN 0-9725207-7-5) and CD-ROM (0-9725207-4-0) can be pursued independently, they are designed to be used in concert with one another (ISBN 0-9725207-0-8 for the book & CD package). Energy Psychology Interactive is a unique, systematic, and effective entry into energy psychology. Version 4.0 of the CD-ROM was released in August 2004 and includes over 80 pages of new "how to" and case material with various diagnostic categories as well as access to a dedicated web area that posts new developments and resources in energy psychology.
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Personal Mythology
Embracing a new approach to classic spiritual themes, Personal Mythology blends elements of modern psychology and ancient mythology to provide a new setting for the discovery of our "personal myths", the unconscious stories we tell ourselves about who we are and who we can become.
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Le tapping c’est quoi ? Une thérapie psycho-corporelle dont le principe de base est simple : des tapotements avec le bout des doigts sur des points spécifiques du corps, des points d’acupression, tout en maintenant l’attention sur ce qui dérange (émotion difficile, douleur, souvenir désagréable, etc.). Dans nos vies, nous rencontrons tous des difficultés : anxiété, dépression, traumatismes, comportements auto-saboteurs, addictions ou relations conflictuelles. Heureusement, le Tapping offre une réponse accessible et inspirante aux épreuves psychologiques et spirituelles d'un monde en détresse. Le Dr David Feinstein, psychologue clinicien renommé, et Donna Eden, experte mondialement reconnue en médecine énergétique propose une méthode innovante, qui combine stimulation des points énergétiques de la peau et focalisation mentale, modifie le cerveau de manière à surmonter les obstacles et soutenir vos aspirations. Inspirée de traditions de guérison anciennes, elle aide à réduire la peur, la colère, le stress et le chagrin, tout en activant les zones du cerveau liées à la résolution de problèmes et à la gestion des émotions, pour vous aider à retrouver un équilibre intérieur et à reprendre le contrôle de votre vie. Comme le déclare le psychothérapeute Jean-Michel Gurret dans sa préface, « Ce livre est une véritable pépite. Il transforme littéralement notre manière de comprendre les troubles et les maladies, la santé et le bien-être. La méthode du Tapping, en agissant à la fois sur le corps et l'esprit, est une révolution qui, j'en suis certain, transformera durablement notre conception de la guérison. »
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The Energies of Love
The Energies of Love
The bestselling authors of Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women present a complete program for using energy medicine to heal and strengthen romantic relationships. A relationship begins with the meeting of two unique energies. This union of energies, though invisible, determines the way you communicate, fight, love, and want to be loved. In this groundbreaking book, the bestselling authors of Energy Medicine draw on the real-life experiences of couples who have attended their popular “Energies of Love” workshops, as well as their own experience as husband and wife, to show how an understanding of your energy system and that of your partner can help you build a more harmonious and loving bond. We all have different ways of making sense of the world around us, but when faced with conflict, especially with those we care most about, we tend to revert to one of four “Energetic Stress Styles”: - Visuals are extremely passionate and inspire others to care about the things they care about, but in moments of conflict, their take on the situation can overshadow what is actually occurring, undermining their ability to empathize with their partner. - Kinesthetics are generous, compassionate, and accepting of other people, but their caring nature pulls them in too many directions. They try to meet others’ needs at the expense of their own, which can cause mounting resentment. - Digitals are rational and principled and have a gift for quickly understanding complex situations, but they can become closed to others’ perspectives and feelings. - Tonals have a gift for understanding others and their dilemmas, but during moments of conflict, their ability to read between the lines can morph into hearing what was never said, felt, or thought. According to the authors, the strongest relationships are those in which the two parties feel that they are partners on a shared spiritual journey. By helping you better understand your own unique energy system, as well as that of your partner, you will be able to recognize your strengths as a couple-¬and avoid the pitfalls. The Energies of Love serves as a powerful resource for anyone who wishes to build a rich partnership while maintaining the spark that keeps a relationship exciting.
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Memory Reconsolidation in Psychotherapy
Memory Reconsolidation in Psychotherapy
Memory reconsolidation (MR)—a foundational process with the potential, if properly understood, to consistently bring about the kind of transformational change that we look for in the lives of clients—is the subject of this book. Featured in this issue is Bruce Ecker, one of the foremost experts in applying techniques that fulfil the neurobiological requirements to achieve MR in clinical practice. In fact all of the authors in this issue are experts in their respective fields, demonstrating the unifying nature of MR in such diverse therapies as the Alexander technique, energy psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, and progressive counting. Understanding the biological basis of our memory and how it can be modified is the key to effective therapeutic change, especially when emotional memories are driving unwanted symptoms.The content of this special issue has been previously published in The Neuropsychotherapist or the International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy.
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