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Plunder of the Sun
Plunder of the Sun
This globe-spanning treasure-hunt adventure is filled with “action, suspense, and excitement . . . Pure escape” (San Francisco Chronicle). Al Colby should never have said yes. When asked to smuggle a package from Chile to Peru, he should have run in the other direction. But he needed money, and he wanted the adventure. Now a man is dead, and two beautiful women seem out to seduce Al or kill him—or maybe both. A handful of gunmen, however, definitely aren’t planning on seducing him first. And it all has something to do with that package, an ancient manuscript that reads like a treasure map . . . From the bestselling author of the classic To Catch a Thief—the basis for the Hitchcock film—this is an entertaining, fast-paced story of international intrigue and danger.
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One of South America's most stunning spectacles, the great Salar de Uvuni salt lake, is here as well as Lake Titicaca. Bolivia retains its pre-Columbian traditions more than any other country in South America, with agricultural practices unchanged since the Incas, and traditional festivals and markets. It also has modern nightclubs, comfortable hotels and ecolodges, and is the ideal place to soak up some Latin American culture before the onset of mass tourism.
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Robert F. Kennedy was the first conspiracy theorist about his brother's murder. In this astonishingly compelling and convincing new account of the Kennedy years, acclaimed journalist David Talbot tells in a riveting, superbly researched narrative why, even on 22 November 1963, RFK had reason to believe that dark forces were at work in Dallas and reveals, for the first time, that he planned to open an investigation into the assassination had he become president in 1968. BROTHERS also portrays a JFK administration more besieged by internal enemies than has previously been realised, from within the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI and the mafia. This frightening portrait of sinister elements within and without the government serves as the background for the emotionally charged journey of Robert Kennedy. Reading it, you can absolutely believe any number of people would have been happy for both brothers to meet a sticky end. The tragedy, not just for America but for the world, is that since their murders no one has had the nerve to stand against the dark forces they challenged in quite the same way.
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The Mexican Filmography, 1916 through 2001
The Mexican Filmography, 1916 through 2001
Mexican cinema has largely been overlooked by international film scholars because of a lack of English-language information and the fact that Spanish-language information was difficult to find and often out of date. This comprehensive filmography helps fill the need. Arranged by year of release and then by title, the filmography contains entries that include basic information (film and translated title, production company, genre, director, cast), a plot summary, and additional information about the film. Inclusion criteria: a film must be a Mexican production or co-production, feature length (one hour or more, silent films excepted), fictional (documentaries and compilation films are not included unless the topic relates to Mexican cinema; some docudramas and films with recreated or staged scenes are included), and theatrically released or intended for theatrical release.
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Migration and decent work. Challenges for the Global South
Migration and decent work. Challenges for the Global South
Migration and Decent Work: Challenges for the Global South takes a journey through nine countries in the global South—from Mexico to India to Argentina to Turkey—to explore the relationship between migration and work from a human rights perspective. Labor insertion is one of the most effective forms of integration because it allows migrants and refugees to enjoy more dignified living conditions, to contribute to the development of host communities, and to build relationships with the local population. But ensuring the right to work is a challenge for countries in the global South that have weak or developing economies and problems with job creation, which can force many people—not just migrants—to engage in precarious work and put themselves at risk of labor exploitation. Under these circumstances, advocating for migrants’ and refugees’ right to work is more urgent than ever. The recognition of decent work as a human right means that states may not pursue economic growth at the expense of the exploitation of migrants and refugees, but instead must seek to ensure opportunities and prosperity for all. In this regard, it is critical to foster discussions, such as the ones featured in this book, that facilitate the sharing of experiences and lessons learned on the labor conditions of migrants and refugees. The authors of the nine chapters in Migration and Decent Work are activists, academics, and members of civil society who have worked on the issue of migration from different angles and who address the challenge of migrants’ labor inclusion from an interdisciplinary and rights-based perspective. Their contributions offer an overview of migrants’ and refugees’ right to work in a range of countries in the global South based on an analysis of local contexts, public policies, and the everyday realities faced by these workers. In addition to offering local and global recommendations for ensuring the right to decent work for migrants and refugees, this book seeks to strengthen the human rights movement through collaboration and the sharing of experiences. The diversity of voices featured here offers a look at migration based on and intended for the global South.
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Latino History and Culture
Latino History and Culture
Latinos are the fastest growing population in America today. This two-volume encyclopedia traces the history of Latinos in the United States from colonial times to the present, focusing on their impact on the nation in its historical development and current culture. "Latino History and Culture" covers the myriad ethnic groups that make up the Latino population. It explores issues such as labor, legal and illegal immigration, traditional and immigrant culture, health, education, political activism, art, literature, and family, as well as historical events and developments. A-Z entries cover eras, individuals, organizations and institutions, critical events in U.S. history and the impact of the Latino population, communities and ethnic groups, and key cities and regions. Each entry includes cross references and bibliographic citations, and a comprehensive index and illustrations augment the text.
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