Shared Wisdom
50 Touchstones That Guided David Schulman's Life Can Guide Yours, Too This black and white version book contains 50 touchstones, or philosophies, that provided award-winning General Agent David Schulman with direction and comfort during those times when he needed a moment of inspiration. His hope is that even one of them will help you see your situation in a new way; save you time, effort, or money; or keep you from making a costly mistake. The touchstones in Shared Wisdom provide practical guidance with a philosophical twist, as well as personal anecdotes, on many subjects. Here are just a few examples: * Closing the gap between reality and expectations* Letting team members fire themselves* Sharing your good fortune with others* Savoring the great moments in life* Preparing for and getting through the difficult times* Keeping perspective in any situation David is the longest-serving General Agent in MassMutual's history and was the youngest person, at age 26, to be named a General Agent for the company. He retired in 2016. David took the agency from dead last of 103 agencies in 1980 to finish second in the company, with more than $25 million of base life insurance premiums. For those in the insurance and financial services industry, the book's appendix contains a list of 10 common traits of highly successful leaders revealed in a paper David wrote as a member of the RAGS Study Group, the summary and conclusion of that paper, and an article on the same topic that he cowrote with Patrick Leary of LIMRA for an issue of LIMRA's MarketFacts Quarterly.