Ancestral Secrets of Knighthood
Secrets of the Christian Religion a Knight Should Know. Secrets of the Saints, the Levitical Priesthood, the Ascent of Kings, the Lines of James the Just, Joseph the Rama Theo, The Grail Kings, Lines of King David, Lineage of the Prophets Samuel, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Lines of Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Mary the Virgin Mother, Judas of Gamla, Hizkiah the Zealot, Jacob and Cleopatra. Lines of Descent expained from Adam, Seth, Cain, Abraham, Noah. Knowledge of the Ur-Chaldeans (Lineage of Sarai to Noah with 36 generations). Lineage of Saints of Christianity, and details of Lineage of the Nine most Worthy Warriors of History, Charlemagne, Godfrey of Boulion, King Arthur of Camelot, King David, Judas Maccabeus, Joshua son of Nun, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Hector son of Priam.