Doyle's World--Lost and Found
This is no ordinary biography about one of the world's mostinfluential writers. It is instead a work that deciphers the cryptic originsand actual scientific methods used by fiction's most famous consulting detectiveSherlock Holmes--a work that provides a detailed look into the psyche of Holmes'creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The book follows Doyle's illustrious literarycareer as the Sherlock Holmes mysteries evolved during from the late 1880s tothe early 1900s. Revealed here for the first time--by son-father writing teamDaniel Friedman, MD and Eugene Friedman, MD--are the many inspirations that lay behindthe physical, emotional, and intellectual characteristics that Doyle wovetogether so deftly to bring his legendary sleuth to life. Readers are in for manysurprises as the Friedmans bring forth tantalizing parallels between theliterary realm of Sherlock Holmes and the actual events from Doyle's childhoodand early adulthood that served as frequent inspiration. The authors offer answers to long-debated and mysterious questions, such as: * Who was the real-life inspiration behind Holmes' arch enemy, Professor Moriarty? * Why did Holmes have such disdain for Scotland Yard? * What was Holmes' relationship to Mrs. Hudson? * Did Holmes resort to murder? * Why did Doyle lobby for divorce reform, while simultaneously attacking the suffragettes? * From whom did Sherlock Holmes actually learn the art of detective work? Doyle's World is divided into three sections. The first is dedicated tothe torments of Doyle's childhood, and how it eventually gave rise to theHolmes character. The second section emphasizes the highly complex themes andplots present in the Sherlock Holmes adventures, while the third section is a thoroughlyexamines Doyle's strengths and weaknesses as a public figure of his time. TheFriedmans also reveal how Doyle was able to subtly incorporate his own politicaland social views into the Holmes character. In addition, the authors offerthree "lost" stories that they uncovered were written by Doyle under pseudonyms. It is no coincidence that it took two medical doctors to undercover the manytruths--and lies--at play in the often bizarre and always fascinating world ofDr. Doyle, himself a medical doctor. What they have revealed has proven to bejust as compelling as any Sherlock Holmes tale. As the reader will see, eachstory in Doyle's World shines a lightupon the life of a complicated man who few people really knew.