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Same Places, Different Spaces
Proceedings of the 26th annual conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, held in Auckland in December 2009. 180 presentations were made by 440 authors. The conference theme reflects the changing nature of the student learning and teaching environment and the fact that the internet and digital tools are influencing the way educators and students interact, learn and teach, and the locations in which this occurs.
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Relational Contracting for Construction Excellence
Relational Contracting for Construction Excellence
Improved efficiency and effectiveness in the construction industry provide huge potential savings. Various forms of relational contracting such as partnering, alliancing, public private partnership (PPP), and joint venture are good examples of this. Relational Contracting for Construction Excellence presents the principles of relational contracting, practicalities and a series of short case studies. Principles begins with the fundamentals then covers development in major countries, definitions of relational contracting, their benefits, difficulties, critical success factors and key performance indicators. Practice includes the relational contracting approach and process in general, and significant factors which make workshops successful, at whatever stage of the process. A number of real-life case studies from the UK, USA, Australia, and Hong Kong are provided. Since the book draws on a combination of practical consultancy works and university research, a wide range of readers will find it useful, i.e. from industrial practitioners to undergraduate students.
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Paul and the Creation of a Counter-Cultural Community
Paul and the Creation of a Counter-Cultural Community
This study offers a new interpretation of 1 Corinthians 5-11:1. Taking a social identity approach, Ho investigates the inner logic of Paul from the ears of the Corinthian correspondence. Ho argues that Paul consistently indoctrinates new values for the audience to uphold which are against the mainstream of social values in the surrounding society. It is shown that Paul does not engage in issues of internal schism per se, but rather in the question of the distinctive values insiders should uphold so as to be recognisable to outsiders. While church is neither a sectarian nor an accommodating community, it should maintain constant social contact with outsiders so as to bring the gospel of Christ to them. In addition, insiders should practice radical values that could challenge the existing shared social values prevalent in the urban city of Corinth. These new values are based mainly on Scripture, ancient Jewish literature and the new social identity of the church defined by Jesus Christ. This fresh interpretation renders the logical flow, unitary design and coherence of 1 Cor 5 -11.1 more apparent.
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Adaptation dynamique par tissage d'aspects d'assemblage
L'Informatique Ambiante (IAm) engage de nombreux capteurs et actionneurs variés intégrés aux objets du quotidien. Ces dispositifs collaborent pour faire émerger de manière spontanée de nouvelles applications logicielles. Les fonctionnalités de ces applications sont adaptées aux dispositifs disponibles de l’environnement physique. L’objectif est de proposer une approche originale pour développer ces nouvelles applications IAm. Ces dernières doivent prendre en compte un ensemble de dispositifs temporaires et non connus à priori. Nous présentons notre approche s’appuyant sur les techniques de programmation à base de composants logiciels et sur le concept d’« aspect d'assemblage », une évolution de l'AOP de Kiczales, qui spécifie les mécanismes de composition automatique et les principes de gestion d’interférences potentielles entre les spécifications d’adaptation. Une approche à base de règles logiques permet de résoudre les problèmes d’interférence. Une application s'adapte alors par tissage – composition et gestion d’interférences – entre ces aspects d'assemblage. Ces travaux ont permis la réalisation d'une extension de la plate-forme logicielle WComp et la mise en œuvre de plusieurs prototypes d'expérimentation IAm, notamment dans le domaine du bâtiment intelligent.
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The Heaven Stone
The Heaven Stone
In an small industrial town in Massachusetts, PI Alex Rasmussen probes the death of a Cambodian immigrant involved in jade smuggling. The story takes place amid a clash of cultures between immigrants and Yankees.
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Transforming Prayer - Chinese
This is the Chinese version of Daniel Henderson's original "Transforming Prayer"
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Hsiao Chin
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El Tao de la Vida Sana
El Tao de la Vida Sana
Vivimos en una sociedad que no sabe traducir en bienestar f&ísico y psicol&ógico su riqueza material. El progreso tecnol&ógico de Occidente no ha sido acompa&ñado por un paralelo inter&és en la protecci&ón de nuestro cuerpo y la prevenci&ón de las enfermedades. A lo largo de los 5.000 a&ños de la historia de China, la prevenci&ón ha sido la clave para la salud humana, considerada responsabilidad principal de la persona. La gran aportaci&ón de la medicina china ha sido descubrir el papel que tienen para el bienestar factores como una incorrecta alimentaci&ón, los pensamientos negativos y la contaminaci&ón medioambiental. Las sustancias t&óxicas presentes en el agua, los aditivos qu&ímicos de los alimentos, el humo de los cigarrillos y las emanaciones de los veh&ículos son algunas de las numerosas amenazas diarias a nuestro bienestar. &¿Qu&é podemos hacer para defendernos de estos ataques? En El Tao de la depuraci&ón encontrar&ás la respuesta: una propuesta eficaz y natural para combatir la agresi&ón de las toxinas, purificar el organismo, fortalecer los mecanismos de defensa natural de nuestro cuerpo y gozar de buena salud. Existe una alarmante correlaci&ón entre la contaminaci&ón atmosf&érica, la mala alimentaci&ón y nuestro bienestar. Las toxinas presentes en el aire, en el agua potable y en los alimentos ponen a prueba d&ía tras d&ía la salud de nuestro organismo. En tanto que no se apliquen medidas eficaces para limpiar el planeta, tenemos que empezar por purificarnos nosotros mismos. Combinando la antigua sabidur&ía oriental y los &últimos avances m&édicos occidentales, El Tao de la depuraci&ón te ofrece la soluci&ón definitiva para gozar de buena salud y preservarla durante muchos a&ños.
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Red Breathing
Red Breathing
Red Breathing represents reclusive American artist Daniel Brush's 13-year engagement with the Woman plays of Noh theater, resulting in 117 large-scale drawings. All drawings are reproduced in sequence.
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