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Shifting Livelihoods
Shifting Livelihoods
Honorable Mention for the Society for the Anthropology of Work (SAW) Book Prize The many dimensions of gold in a shadow economy People employ various methods to extract gold in the rainforests of the Chocó, in northwest Colombia: Rural Afro-Colombian artisanal miners work hillsides with hand tools or dredge mud from river bottoms. Migrant miners level the landscape with excavators, then trap gold with mercury. Canadian mining companies prospect for open-pit mega-mines. Drug traffickers launder cocaine profits by smuggling gold into Colombia and claiming it came from fictitious small-scale mines. Through an ethnography of gold that examines the movement of people, commodities, and capital, Shifting Livelihoods investigates how resource extraction reshapes a place. In the Chocó, gold enables forms of “shift” (rebusque)—a metaphor for the fluid livelihood strategy adopted by forest dwellers and migrant gold miners alike as they seek informal work amid a drug war. Mining’s effects on rural people, corporations, and politics are on view in this fine-grained account of daily life in a regional economy dominated by gold and cocaine.
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Los niños de San Bernardo
Los niños de San Bernardo
El patrimonio escultórico de tipo religioso en México es vasto en su diseño, historia, usos y las costumbres que de ellos emanan. Este libro muestra esos preceptos en la labor ocurrida en el convento concepcionista del Dulce Nombre de María y San Bernardo: se examinan, desde el punto de vista histórico, estético, antropológico y de análisis de materiales, cinco esculturas que representan a Jesús infante y cuya restauración se llevó a cabo con la finalidad de que continuaran en uso devocional.
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The Reinvention of Atlantic Slavery
The Reinvention of Atlantic Slavery
The Reinvention of Atlantic Slavery shows how, at a moment of crisis after the Age of Revolutions, ambitious planters in the Upper US South, Cuba, and Brazil forged a new set of relationships with one another to sidestep the financial dominance of Great Britain and the northeastern United States. They hired a transnational group of chemists, engineers, and other "plantation experts" to assist them in adapting the technologies of the Industrial Revolution to suit "tropical" needs and maintain profitability. These experts depended on the know-how of slaves alongside whom they worked. Bondspeople with industrial craft skills played key roles in the development of new production technologies like sugar mills. While the very existence of skilled enslaved workers contradicted the racial ideologies underpinning slavery and allowed black people to wield new kinds of authority within the plantation world, their contributions reinforced the economic dynamism of the slave economies of Cuba, Brazil, and the Upper South. When separate wars broke out in all three locations in the 1860s, the transnational bloc of masters and experts took up arms to perpetuate the Greater Caribbean they had built throughout the 1840s and 1850s. Slaves played key wartime roles on the opposing side, helping put an end to chattel slavery. However, the worldwide racial division of labor that emerged from the reinvented plantation complex has proved more durable.
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La formación artística: creadores-historiadores-espectadores
La formación artística: creadores-historiadores-espectadores
En esta publicación se recogen los trabajos presentados en el XXI Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte (CEHA), celebrado en el Palacio de la Magdalena de Santander entre los días 20 al 23de septiembre de 2016. El eje vertebrador de dicho congreso giró en torno a una temática a la vez monográfica y transversal: LA FORMACIÓN ARTÍSTICA. Se aborda este objetivo desde la doble perspectiva que plantean los dos protagonistas principales del diálogo artístico (el creador y el espectador), pasando por el historiador del arte como mediador entre ambos. Empleando este hilo conductor, se traza el rico panorama investigador nacional, tratando de reflejar las principales orientaciones metodológicas de la disciplina, así como las líneas de trabajo más consolidadas y las emergentes. Las aportaciones en cada uno de los seis bloques (desde el gremio, la formación académica o la universitaria, la educación de la mirada, la crisis de la Historia del Arte, las fuentes, la historiografía y la literatura artística y, por último, el dedicado a proyectos, tesis y grupos de I+D+i) presentan una visión actualizada de algunas de las tendencias de la investigación en Historia del Arte.
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Rudolph's Pediatrics, 23rd Edition
Rudolph's Pediatrics, 23rd Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The landmark pediatrics reference – completely reinvented by an all new team of editors Rudolph's Pediatrics has virtually defined the pediatric field for over a century, becoming one of the most important and well-respected pediatrics texts ever published. Renowned for its balance of clinical features and treatment of disease with underlying biological principles, this classic sourcebook has helped generations of pediatricians optimize their care of infants, children, and adolescents. The Twenty-Third Edition of Rudolph's has been completely restructured and streamlined thanks to an all new team of editors whose goal was to reinvent this classic with today’s busy practitioner in mind. Presented in full color, the Twenty-Third Edition provides an up-to-date, in-depth survey of pediatric medicine unmatched by any other text. With its algorithmic approach to pediatric systems, the book facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of both common and uncommon pediatric illnesses; and it reflects new technologies and advances in molecular medicine that continue to evolve with current thinking about normal childhood development and pediatric disease processes. • New team of editors achieves consistency in both tone and depth of content • Contributions from section editors and authors from leading academic pediatrics programs give expert coverage of general pediatrics and all of the pediatric sub-specialties • Streamlined and consistent format for most chapters outlining Pathogenesis and Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention • New 2-Volume presentation improves portability • Hundreds of full-color illustrations and tables • The acclaimed balance between clinical applicability and underlying biological principles offers pediatricians a depth of coverage not found anywhere else • Brand new or significantly revised chapters include: Complementary and Integrative Pediatrics, Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Pediatric Depression and Bipolar Spectrum Disorders, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), Palliative Care for Children with Chronic Diseases, Arboviruses (with new coverage of Zika virus and chikungunya virus), Physiologic Basis of Pulmonary Function; Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; Neuroblastoma “You'd be hard pressed to find a resource that matches up to the comprehensive scope of Rudolph's. It's no wonder it's a staple in most offices and hospitals.” -Doody’s Review Service
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Saints and Blesseds of the Americas
Saints and Blesseds of the Americas
Kirkus Discoveries book review: Part devotional guide, part encyclopedia, Saints and Blesseds of the Americas will find a welcome place on the shelves of a new generation of Catholics. Ewalds tidy collection provides an exhaustive, country-by-country listing of all the Catholic saints and blesseds of the Western world. In Catholic theology, saints serve as intercessors between humanity and God; blessedsthose who have undergone the process of beatificationare only one step away from becoming saints. Believers pray to either for aid in any number of life pursuits. Perhaps the most gratifying aspect of this catalogue is the fact that it is extremely up to date. Ewald provides not only the saints and blesseds of old but also those recently beatified and canonized. For example, he presents the Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, martyred in 1993 and beatified by Pope Benedict XVI just last year. This is a timely reference guide at least in part because the previous popeJohn Paul IIwas a prolific supporter of the path to sainthood. According to the Vatican, Pope John Paul II beatified and canonized more individuals than all the popes of the past five centuries combined. Thus, Ewald fulfills an important role in bringing his devout readership up to speed. But currentness is not the volumes only strength. Ewald paints quick but thorough sketches of his many subjects. His brief biographies never run much more than a page or two, but he has an eye for the fine points, and his portraits are always extremely pertinentthere are as few wasted details as there are wasted words. However, though his book serves best as a reference volume, it also provides a surprisingly gratifying reading experience. Ewald has the skill of a storyteller, and each biography features a neat narrative arc. A helpful compendium to the heroes of the American Catholic Church. Ewald, Fr. Daniel P. SAINTS AND BLESSEDS OF THE AMERICAS Xlibris (318 pp.) 2008 ISBN: 978-1-4363-6762-2 Paper: 978-1-4363-6761-5 Kirkus Discoveries, Nielsen Business Media, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
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The study tackles the subject in a new and unique way: Due to the fact that the borders between classical academic disciplines disappear at the nanoscale, a truly interdisciplinary approach is chosen. A functional definition of nanotechnology is developed by the authors as basis for the further sections of the study. The most important results enable recommendations with respect to scientific progress, industrial relevance, economic potential, educational needs, potential adverse health effects and philosophical aspects of nanotechnology. The book addresses the relevant decision levels, media, and academia.
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Multicultural Literature for Latino Bilingual Children
Multicultural Literature for Latino Bilingual Children
While there are volumes that fall into the category of children’s literature, there appears to be relatively few that explore the needs of bilingual learners and the linguistic and sociocultural context of Latino children’s literature. This volume makes a needed contribution by addressing the social, cultural, academic, and linguistic needs of Latino bilingual learners who are still underserved through current school practices. We aim to conceptualize different forms of social knowledge so that they can serve as cultural resources for learning, acquiring knowledge, and transforming self and identity. This volume presents a balance of theory, research, and practice that speak to authentic multicultural Latino literature and helps ensure its availability for all students. The intended outcome of this volume then is to create a heightened awareness of the cultural and linguistic capital held by the Latino community, to increase Latino students’ social capital through the design of critical pedagogical practices, and for the formulation of a new perspective, that of Latino multicultural literature for children.
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