Studying Gender and Class
This case study examined the social processes shaping people's hours and schedules and the ways these produce inequality in the time spent at work and at home. Using multiple methods, we compare four occupationsdoctors (predominantly male professionals), nurses (mostly female professionals), emergency medical technicians (mostly men, working class), and certified nursing assistants (mostly women, low-wage workers). We used four different methods to study these groups: a mail survey with closed-ended questions, face-to-face open-ended intensive interviews with many probes, participant observation at multiple medical sites, and various documents from these sites. The four occupations not only vary by class and gender, but the doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians, and certified nursing assistants work in the same organizations and interact with each other. This made it possible to get their multiple and distinctive perspectives on job hours and the ways these differentially shaped, and were shaped by, their work and families. In many projects, researchers address the obstacles and limits, what could not be done. In this case, the opposite is true: We consistently did more than we had projected, for interviews, observations, and documents. That made the project richer, but also meant it took longer than we had originally expected.