HR Manager: A Zookeeper is a philosophy containing the power to achieve true control over employees of the organization by identification of basic nature or personality of individual employees and by applying the tactics of a zookeeper. In this book, I present a philosophy that is relevant to everyone, regardless of age, sex, or nationality. If you pick this book up and read it to its conclusion, I can guarantee that you will clearly visualize a path to success opening up before you, especially if you are handling manpower. In almost all organizations, Human Resource policies are made to control and regulate the workforce of the organization. The HR department finds that the implementation of the HR policies is somehow difficult with some of its employees. This is because in an organization different types of people with different types of personality works. All these personalities have something unique while something in common. These personality differences lead to conflict among the workers or between organizations and workers. Good HR managers understand the personality and type of the worker to resolve the issues. A human being's personality matches with certain animal’s personality. The HR Manager will be able to act as an organization zookeeper, who is able to control and regulate various types of animals, birds, and creatures types of employees. The application of various management theories often presented difficulties while solving practical conflict resolution problems. There is an acute shortage of books on the types of human personality matching with animal’s personality. I wrote this book especially for Human Resource Managers, which will certainly help them to understand the various types of employees to control, regulate, make teams, make pairs or groups enhance the productivity of performance in organizations. CONTENTS The book contents include the human being as a social animal, the role of Functional Managers or Human Resource Manager as Zookeeper, various similar personality characteristics of human and animal /birds /reptiles /creatures like Ant, Bull, Cat, Crow, Crocodile, Dogs, Donkey, Elephant, Fish, Fox, Giraffe, Goat, Horse, Hippo, Lion, Monkey, Pig, Rat, Scorpio, Snake, Tiger, etc. Like most of the managers, prefer to identify the ‘Horses’ of their departments, whereas they want to kick out the ‘Donkey’ type of employees from their department. Every organization is looking for an ideal employee having a radical performance like ‘Horse’, having a dominating personality like a ‘Lion’, who can find the solution of the problems of the organization by sniffing like a ‘Dog’, who can follow up the organization's objectives like ‘Ant’, Who is farsighted like a ‘Giraffe’, Who applies his intelligence and acts like a ‘Fox’, Who applies his full energy to achieve organization's objectives like a ‘Bull’ or one who has big sensory organs like ears, nose with a sharp memory like an ‘Elephant’. In most the organization horses, donkeys, monkeys, lions, and foxes are an easily identifiable class of animals among workers. This book extends the classification of such personalities to understand and taming techniques used by the management. IMPORTANT FOR The book will be useful for all HR Managers, functional heads, entrepreneurs, directors, functional managers, management students, and all readers. BENEFITS OF THIS BOOK · Identity makes a difference to distinguish who an individual is and what propels him or her. Being mindful of one's identity and inspiration might empower an individual to overcome feelings and inclinations when stood up to with a choice. Self-knowledge might moreover offer assistance to a person to use information more effectively to improve decision-making. Knowing employee's identities can offer assistance to managers not as it were to know them but moreover to oversee them productively. on the off chance that you'll distinguish what basic type of representatives supervisors have, and after that recognize their interesting unreasonable behaviors, managers will be in a much better position to manage these behaviors and, eventually, reach their objectives. Identity could be a guide to managers that make a difference in their planning and execution. · Making managing people enchantment: This book makes a difference within the understanding of the identities of employees which can Inspire, and Improve, not as it were the managers but to the organization. Whether a manager or an entrepreneur searching for guidance in managing the people of their organization successfully, this book could be a must-read for managers looking to build effective and economical departments or teams. This manual contends that in the event that they are not understanding individuals, not analyzing their identity characteristics, they are already losing. It helps managers, why category creation among employees should be viewed as another column of business strategy, along with efficiency. Anyone looking to build and manage a business successfully should read this book cover to cover. · Understanding the employee's nature can improve a manager's efficiency, effectiveness, and time administration abilities. Understanding employee personality types can diffuse clashes before they arise. Understanding personality type helps managers to find the proper work for the employee. For example, in case the employee is very extroverted, he or she may not perform well in a position where he or she doesn’t connect with people. Meanwhile, an introvert probably isn’t attending to be as satisfied in a customer service position.