Some of the questions asked and answered in THE YOUNG CHRISTIAN'S SURVIVAL GUIDE are “You claim the Bible is inspired because it says it is, right (2 Tim. 3:16)? Isn’t that circular reasoning?” “You claim the Bible was inspired, but there was no inspired list of which books that is true of. So how can we know which ones to trust?” “With so many different copies of manuscripts that have 400,000+ variants (errors), how can we even know what the Bible says?” “Why can’t the people who wrote the four Gospels get their story straight?” “Didn’ t the Council of Nicaea just arbitrarily pick the books for the Bible that they agreed with and suppress all the rest with political power?” “People used to believe in miracles because they didn’t understand science. Don’t we know better than that now?” “That a man rose from the dead takes a lot of believing. How could you ever have enough evidence for a belief like that?”. “Science has proved that human beings evolved over millions of years rather than being created in six days. Why are you still clinging to ancient myths?” “Just because the Bible is true for you, why does that make it true for me?” “How can you base your modern life on a book that was written for a primitive culture?” “Doesn’ t the Bible support genocide?”. “Doesn’t the Bible support racism?”. "Doesn’t the Bible support slavery?" “Doesn’t the Bible support homophobia?”. “Doesn’t the Bible support the oppression and abuse of women?”. “There are so many religions, all sincerely seeking the same goal. What makes you Christians so arrogant that you think yours is the only way?”. “What about those who have never heard the Gospel?”. “If God is a God of love, why did he let my loved one die?”. “How can it be just for God to impose an infinite punishment (Hell forever) for finite sins?” These questions will be asked and answered with reasonable, rational, Scriptural answers.