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Psychology and Law
Psychology and Law
Written by authors with extensive experience in the field and in the classroom, Psychology and Law: Research and Practice, Second Edition, offers the definitive perspective on the practical application of psychological research to the law. Curt R. Bartol and Anne M. Bartol emphasize the various roles psychologists and other mental health professionals play in criminal and civil legal matters. Topics such as family law, mental health evaluations, police interrogation, jury selection and decision making, involuntary civil commitment, and various civil capacities are included. The authors also emphasize the major contributions psychological research has made to the law and encourage critical analysis through examples of court cases, high-profile current events, and research. This comprehensive book examines complex material in detail and explains it in an easy-to-read way. New to the Second Edition: The new edition has been significantly reorganized to more closely align with the progression through the court system. A new chapter on children, adolescents, and criminal law (Chapter 8) provides you with information on adjudicative competence, comprehension of constitutional rights, and eyewitness identification and courtroom testimony. New feature boxes include case studies, research projects, and contemporary topics with discussion questions for classroom debate. Additional court cases and statutes have been integrated into chapters to emphasize the important role psychology plays in the legal process. The content is applied to real cases such as the Masterpiece Cakeshop case and the Dassey confession (comprehending Miranda). Over 300 recent research findings on topics related to psychology and law highlight cutting-edge research studies that help you understand what research does and prompt you to discuss the methodology and results. New pedagogical tables clearly illustrate complex information around ethical issues, APA amicus briefs, strengths and weaknesses of simulation studies, insanity standards within the states, effects experienced by survivors of traumatic incidents, and more. Increased coverage of contemporary issues encourage critical thinking and active learning by promoting discussions around current issues such as telepsychology, neuropsychology, adversarial allegiance, and actuarial instruments used in bail and sentence decision-making. ?
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Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior
Current Perspectives in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior
Featuring ten new articles by experts in the field, this up-to-date reader emphasizes the ways that forensic psychologists apply psychological knowledge, concepts, and principles on a day-to-day basis. Drawing on cutting-edge research to demonstrate the ways that forensic psychology has contributed to the understanding of criminal behavior and crime prevention, the Third Edition addresses key topics in each of the five major subareas of the field—police psychology, legal psychology, the psychology of crime and delinquency, victimology and victim services, and correctional psychology.
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Aldo Leopold
Aldo Leopold
This biography of Aldo Leopold follows him from his childhood as a precocious naturalist to his profoundly influential role in the development of conservation and modern environmentalism in the United States. This edition includes a new preface by author Curt Meine and an appreciation by acclaimed Kentucky writer and farmer Wendell Berry.
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Corrections in Canada
Corrections in Canada
Corrections in Canada: Policy and Practice, Second Edition examines the Canadian correctional policy and practice. The book is comprised of 11 chapters that tackle a specific area of concern. The first chapter provides an introductory discourse about the Canadian correctional system. The next chapter discusses the history of Canadian Correction. Chapter 3 covers the Canadian correctional enterprise, and Chapter 4 talks about policymaking in Canadian corrections. The book also tackles correctional planning and deals with the structures of management and administration in corrections. The correctional treatment programs and the delivery of correctional treatment are also explained. The book then covers the community-based corrections. The last two chapters discuss correctional reform and the future of correction in Canada. The book will be of use to individuals interested in the Canadian correctional system, as well as to those involved in the development of any correctional systems.
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Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Written by authors with extensive experience in the field and in the classroom, Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application, Sixth Edition demonstrates how to analyze psychological knowledge and research findings and apply these findings to the civil and criminal justice systems. Focusing on research-based forensic practice and practical application, the authors use real-life examples and case law discussions to define and explore forensic psychology. Students are introduced to emerging specializations within forensic psychology, including investigative psychology, family forensic psychology, and police and public safety psychology. Research related to bias, diversity, and discrimination is included throughout the text to give students a multicultural perspective that is critical to the successful practice of forensic psychology. Included with this title: Instructor Online Resources: Access online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.
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Disaster in Damp Sand
Disaster in Damp Sand
Union General Nathaniel Banks' Red River Campaign of 1864, the Disaster in Damp Sand, was the Confederacy's last decisive victory in the Civil War.
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Our House
Our House
Relates the history of the Red Sox and their home, Fenway Park.
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A History of Television News Parody in America
A History of Television News Parody in America
In this book, Curt Hersey explores the history of U.S. media, demonstrating how news parody has entertained television audiences by satirizing political and social issues and offering a lighthearted take on broadcast news. Despite shifts away from broadcast and cable delivery, comedians like Samantha Bee, Michael Che, and John Oliver continue this tradition of delivering topical humor within a newscast format. In this history of the television news parody genre, Hersey critically engages with the norms and presentational styles of television journalism at the time of their production. News parody has increasingly become part of the larger journalistic field, with viewers often turning to this parodic programming as a supplement and corrective to mainstream news sources. Beginning in the 1960s with the NBC program That Was the Week That Was, the history of news parody is analyzed decade by decade by focusing on presidential and political coverage, as well as the genre’s critiques of television network and cable journalism. Case studies include Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update;” HBO’s Not Necessarily the News; Comedy Central’s original Daily Show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and The Colbert Report; and HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Scholars of media history, political communication, and popular culture will find this book particularly useful.
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Deep Future
Deep Future
A Kirkus Reviews Best Nonfiction of 2011 title A bold, far-reaching look at how our actions will decide the planet's future for millennia to come. Imagine a planet where North American and Eurasian navies are squaring off over shipping lanes through an acidified, ice-free Arctic. Centuries later, their northern descendants retreat southward as the recovering sea freezes over again. And later still, future nations plan how to avert an approaching Ice Age... by burning what remains of our fossil fuels. These are just a few of the events that are likely to befall Earth and human civilization in the next 100,000 years. And it will be the choices we make in this century that will affect that future more than those of any previous generation. We are living at the dawn of the Age of Humans; the only question is how long that age will last. Few of us have yet asked, "What happens after global warming?" Drawing upon the latest, groundbreaking works of a handful of climate visionaries, Curt Stager's Deep Future helps us look beyond 2100 a.d. to the next hundred millennia of life on Earth.
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