“Sojourns... " represents a personal look inside the heart, mind, and soul, of a fellow mortal. One who, like yourself wanders through this unpredictable mortality, seeking definition, self-identity, belonging, love, and purpose. “Sojourns...” even as the human experience, covers a vast array of emotions from lightheartedness to self-doubt, from shame to love, pride, fear, grief, and wonder. What are we without our emotions and experiences? “Sojourns...” invites the readers to ask the deeper questions of themselves; to find the measure of their humanity and the purpose of their existence. While it is not Frost, Goethe, or Shakespeare, “Sojourns...” is an intensely intimate look at what it is that makes us who we are. I have also included the works of my daughters as they seem to express the same sentiments only with much more clarity. If one heart is touched, one tear is shed, I am justified in my efforts.