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Can I Know What to Believe?
Can I Know What to Believe?
Your youth group is like no other-so a cookie-cutter curriculum just won't do. With a single book you have the basics for 15 complete sessions-and you can put it all together in a way that works for you. Each topic has been developed by ministry experts to be teen-relevant and spiritually enriching. Each five-session book also includes a 14-point plan for customizing your program, a selection of ice breakers, thought provokers, reproducible handouts, and an encouraging how-to article from well-known youth ministry experts! Can I Know What to Believe? Beliefs to Beware Of--Strategic Answers about Cults ( Understand doctrines of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Scientology, and Unification Church and how they differ from biblical Christianity. Contrast the Bible with the New Age Movement, witchcraft and more. Prepare teens to stand firm in their faith.) They're Not Like Us--What Different Churches Believe (Answer questions concerning what other churches believe. Explores differences between Protestants and Catholics and an overview of various mainline denominations. Discover the common heritage of the universal church.) Your Bible's Alive--How to Get Friendly with God's Book (Brings teens face-to-face with God's Word. Clear up misconceptions about Scripture and show how various Bible characters and incidents are related, gives practical tips for understanding the Bible.) Features: 400+ options for full customization 15 sessions with reproducible resources
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Children's Bible Story Book
Children's Bible Story Book
These faith-building Bible favorites are retold in simple sentences that kids of all ages can understand. Sidebars provide relevant and interesting background to help young ones hold on to what they've learned.
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David C. Cook's KJV Bible Lesson Commentary
David C. Cook's KJV Bible Lesson Commentary
The David C. Cook Bible Lesson Commentary, NIV and KJV (formerly Peloubet's and Tarbell's), contains fifty-two weeks of Bible lessons based on the International Sunday School Lessons (ISSL) series. Each week's lesson includes extensive Bible commentary, teaching suggestions, and questions for adults and youth. The DCC BLC is ideal for teachers with a limited amount of time to study and prepare, and enables them to guide their class through all the major Bible themes and books in a systematic manner. It's a one-stop Bible resource for any teacher of youth or adults. With so much to offer, its no wonder teachers depend on it. A full year's curriculum in one handy, value-priced reference. Takes classes through all the major Bible themes and books systematically for better Bible learning. Offers solid, trustworthy content for both pastors and teachers. Includes illuminating Bible backgrounds and commentary, daily home Bible readings, lessons aimed for adult and youth classes, and much more. Ideal for those who have a limited amount of time to study and prepare. A one-stop Bible resource that relates the truths of Scripture to everyday life.
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Pretty Quick & Easy Bible Dramas
Pretty Quick & Easy Bible Dramas
Inside each of these 10 new books children's educators will find twenty-six creative activities to engage kids with fantastic Bible-focused, high-energy fun! Correlated with Bible-in-Life and Echoes curriculum and covering ages preschool to middle school, these books are loaded with innovative ideas including scripture references and teacher tips and provide a great resource for alternative Step 3 activities. Or teachers can use it with their own lesson plans this handy resource fits well with any curriculum or can be used as a stand-alone activity. Children love acting out, and in Pretty Quick and Easy there are Bible story character dramas, kid-pleasing personality plays, and even quick puppet skits to keep youngsters' energy corralled and focused on God's Word. With Bible references, teacher tips, and interesting costuming ideas, you've got weeks of fun for second and third graders!
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Full Tilt Wacky Games
Full Tilt Wacky Games
Inside each of these 10 new books children's educators will find twenty-six creative activities to engage kids with fantastic Bible-focused, high-energy fun! Correlated with Bible-in-Life and Echoes curriculum and covering ages preschool to middle school, these books are loaded with innovative ideas including scripture references and teacher tips and provide a great resource for alternative Step 3 activities. Or teachers can use it with their own lesson plans this handy resource fits well with any curriculum or can be used as a stand-alone activity. In Full Tilt you'll find page after page of wild and wacky games that middle-schoolers will just love playing. And while they're laughing and acting out, they'll also be learning God's Word, because every game in Full Tilt is based on Scripture. With themes for lessons, teacher tips, and Bible references, you've got an awesome youth ministry tool in hand!
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Mission-Minded Skits
Mission-Minded Skits
Dramas designed for teens that can be used for mission trips or in church settings.
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Memory Maker Bible Crafts
Memory Maker Bible Crafts
Bible FUNstuff resource book with 26 crafts that correlates to BIL curricululm Sept 08 through June 09.
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Classy, Flashy Bible Dramas
Classy, Flashy Bible Dramas
Inside each of these 10 new books children's educators will find twenty-six creative activities to engage kids with fantastic Bible-focused, high-energy fun! Correlated with Bible-in-Life and Echoes curriculum and covering ages preschool to middle school, these books are loaded with innovative ideas including scripture references and teacher tips and provide a great resource for alternative Step 3 activities. Or teachers can use it with their own lesson plans this handy resource fits well with any curriculum or can be used as a stand-alone activity. In Classy, Flashy Bible Dramas you'll find dramatic attention-getters that tweens will love to be involved with from scripted dramas complete with costuming suggestions to other activities, such as radio improvs, create-a-commercial challenges, humourous skits, and dramatic games. And since it's all based on Bible lessons, kids learn God's Word while they have fun! So let's raise the curtain . . . and break a leg!
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God's Little Devotional Book for Boys
God's Little Devotional Book for Boys
This wonderful devotional book targets children, ages 8-12, and is filled with fun stories, powerful Scriptures, and principles that will guide them for their entire lives.
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Bible Games That Teach
Bible Games That Teach
Inside each of these 10 new books children's educators will find twenty-six creative activities to engage kids with fantastic Bible-focused, high-energy fun! Correlated with Bible-in-Life and Echoes curriculum and covering ages preschool to middle school, these books are loaded with innovative ideas including scripture references and teacher tips and provide a great resource for alternative Step 3 activities. Or teachers can use it with their own lesson plans this handy resource fits well with any curriculum or can be used as a stand-alone activity. Learning is improved when it's coupled with actions, so Bible Games That Teach is just what you need for your youngest group. Inside you'll find fun games that kids will want to play over and over again while they learn motor skills, matching, sorting, and much, much more. Best of all, preschoolers also begin learning Bible stories while they play!
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