Preparing Specifications for Design-bid Build Projects
"Preparing Specifications for Design-Bid Build Projects is a guide for improving written specifications in construction contract documents. One of the major concerns voiced by construction professionals, engineers and contractors working on design-bid build projects is poorly written specifications that lead to inconsistent interpretation and require correction of faulty work, which is costly, time consuming, and demoralizing." "Developed by the Committee on Specifications of the Construction Division of ASCE, Preparing Specifications for Design-Bid Build Projects contains detailed instructions on how to write, format, and issue contract documents. Typical wording problems, definitions, use of codes and standards, a sample specification, and a checklist are all provided to simplify and improve the writing process. Also outlined are procedures explaining how to: interact with the client and the engineer, approach disputes, and employ better wording to reduce claims." "The information contained in Preparing Specifications for Design-Bid Build Projects is straightforward and practical. By devoting ten years of questionnaires, papers, articles, and symposia to construction contract specifications, committee members who specialize in the preparation of such documents, are able to provide comprehensive solutions to widespread problems."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved