The Art of Going Viral
Why is it that some things EXPLODE online, while others linger in anonymity for years? Why do some things hook our attention, while others flop? Is there a pattern behind how social media captivates us? Viral fame is not just a coincidence. There is an easy-to-learn strategy behind it. Whether your dream is YouTube stardom, or just creating opportunity with a personal brand, Going Viral is your blueprint for digital success. Stand out, get noticed, and captivate online. Going Viral pairs raw human behavioral data with the emotional intelligence of A.C. Clint, a sought-after digital media coach who has worked with Fortune 500 clients from Disney to Nike. Clint has distilled years of research and practical experience to write this manual for content people are wired to share. Find your die-hard fanbase of thousands (or millions). This Internet psychology guide teaches: * A centuries-old secret to create connection used by Italian Courtiers & cereal boxes * 3 viral emotions that get shared the most * Step-by-step processes to create content audiences can't get enough of, and prime it to spread as quickly as possible * Building a following from zero to thousands * How to leverage top influencers to do word-of-mouth power-lifting for you * Techniques that work across Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and even in-person Are you ready to grow your idea? Triple your profits? More SUCCESS and less work? As an entrepreneur, artist, or creative thinker, you know social media can empower you to reach a potential audience of billions, with tools that are essentially free. But who has that kind of time? And where do you even begin? Or worse: have you set up your business, pushed it into the world, but instead of a flood of interest, you are getting...crickets? Learn secret formulas to build connections, and open doors you never thought possible... Including how to: + Make a powerful first impression + Connect effortlessly with followers + Increase exposure, shares, engagement, interest, and traffic for your website Understand what makes people click (even if they don't). Is this book for you? If you have ever posted online then the answer is YES! Whether you write your own blog, or have a basic Facebook profile...whether you like it or not, you have a digital brand. Are you ready to use it? You have something to say. Isn't it about time for people to hear it? DON'T miss your chance at success because of a lackluster Internet presence. Share your vision with the world and finally be heard. If you want to become an overnight success story, there IS a secret to it. All you need is a little inspiration, an internet connection, and the right formula, which this book will teach you. This guide is especially for: * Visionaries ready to reach the masses with their message * Professionals wanting to make a name & propel their career to the next level * Companies seeking to increase profit & customer engagement * Anyone who ever built a website with zero traffic and thought 'what next?' Whether you are a computer novice or a practiced PR pro, there is something in this book for you. Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.