Aboriginal Peoples and Natural Resources in Canada
"The most current and comprehensive book of its kind, Aboriginal Peoples and Natural Resources in Canada explores the opportunities and constraints that aboriginal people encounter in their efforts to use water resources, fisheries, forestry resources, wildlife, land and non-renewable resources, and to gain management power over these resources. This examination begins with a historical perspective, and takes into account cultural, political, legal and geographical factors. From the contemporary research of the author, the reader is informed of the most current developments and provided with a well-reasoned outlook for the future." "This book is an essential resource for aboriginal people engaged in the use and management of natural resources, and for those who seek professional training in the field. Anyone wanting to know more about the social and environmental issues pertaining to more responsible and equitable environmental and ecological management will find a wealth of information in this volume."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved