The Honour of the Flag
William Clark Russell (1844-1911) was a popular writer of nautical novels, born in New York. He gained his experience of sea life during eight years' service as a sailor. Then he was a journalist on the staff of the Daily Chronicle before he took to writing novels. At the beginning of the Sherlock Holmes story, The Five Orange Pips, Doctor Watson is shown 'deep in one of Clark Russell's fine sea stories'. Among his most famous works are: Representative Actors (1875), The Wreck of the Grosvenor (1877), A Sailor's Sweetheart (1877), The Frozen Pirate (1877), An Ocean Free-Lance (1878), An Ocean Tragedy (1881), My Watch Below (1882), My Shipmate Louise (1882), Round the Galley Fire (1883), A Sea Queen (1883), Jack's Courtship (1884), In the Middle Watch (1885), A Strange Voyage (1885) and The Honour of the Flag (1896).