Children of Dynasty
Eight years after her breakup with Rory Campbell, Mariah Grant, sole heir of her father's construction company, returns to San Francisco from self-imposed exile. Her father is ailing, the business is floundering and in danger of being devoured by an arch rival; Mariah's expertise is desperately needed. Rory Campbell, also the sole heir to his father's construction giant, realizes that in spite of the intervening years, Mariah still heats his blood to boiling. Trouble is, their fathers?men once as close as brothers ? are now, mysteriously, sworn enemies. Their businesses are battling, and fraternizing with the competition is considered consorting with the enemy. Then there is a deadly, and suspicious, accident on a Grant skyscraper, killing Mariah's oldest friend. But was he the target? Will the elder Campbell stop at absolutely nothing to bring Grant down and keep his son from rekindling forbidden fires? The war is on. Empires are at stake lives hang in the balance and the time has come for the Children of Dynasty.