Behind the Private Eye
This book is part true-crime novel, and part textbook. It was written specifically about surveillance, as conducted by private investigators. It's virtually an industry bible, and contains an incredible volume of highly detailed how-to techniques, for virtually every area of surveillance. It covers how to get information out of people under pretext, how to follow people on foot or by car. What to expect and even how to think as a PI, in order to get great results. The book covers everything including: Training courses and licensing Job preparation Conduct of surveillance operations Special techniques used by professionals Following on foot, car, bus, train, taxi Working in specialist areas (buildings, apartments, shopping centres etc) While an invaluable resource for any potential recruit to the PI industry, this book is also an excellent resource for experienced PI's as well. It lists a large number of web references and other details for information sources that can be used to track down elusive offenders. With almost 544 pages, this incredible encyclopaedic resource covers all the basic techniques, as well as some you have never thought of. How can a female PI urinate on a long vehicle stakeout? What web resource can be used to determine the likely gender of an obscure ethnic name which was listed in client intelligence? How do I identify someone? What role does human psychology play in surveillance operations? How can I find out if they are working? 10 pages explaining why and how things are seen, 10 issues to consider when parking a surveillance vehicle, 30 issues to consider in selecting a suitable surveillance vehicle, 9 methods to assist identification of an unknown unit number in a large block, . . .and much more Not only does this comprehensive training resource cover techniques, it is illustrated with a large number of real cases which Chris has conducted. These stories are an incredible insight to the PI world, and are both entertaining and fascinating. Each story details real-life implementation of techniques described in the book.