Num8ers Guy
The moment he knew his life was going to change, Sam had 1,888 emails and 88 text messages. The number 8 is a sign of luck for Asians, the significance of which was not lost on Sam, known to some friends as the Number's Guy. Living in a world where a minute of his time cost thousands of dollars, Sam was at the top of his game-money, power, and influence. That is until the market took a nose dive forcing him to reevaluate his life. The number 8 signaled a chance at the kind of luck he'd never had before-love. NUM8ER'S GUY is one man's journey from the board rooms of high-powered tech deals and mergers to the fields of renewable energy. Engineered with humorous flashbacks to his life as a child in Korea and Okinawa, Sam rediscovers the most important digit of all-Number 1-the girl that got away. Where is she now and would she still love him if she knew his secrets? Soon Sam is facing the most important deal of his life. Will the numbers align for him one more time?