The Best Letters of Charles Lamb
The Best Letters of Charles Lamb by Charles Lamb is a collection of the best letters ever written by author Charles Lamb to fellow authors Wordsworth, Coleridge, Walter Wilson, and more. Excerpt: "No writer, perhaps, since the days of Dr. Johnson has been oftener brought before us in biographies, essays, letters, etc., then Charles Lamb. His stammering speech, his gaiter-clad legs,—"almost immaterial legs," Hood called them,—his frail wisp of a body, topped by a head "worthy of Aristotle," his love of punning, of the Indian weed, and, alas! of the kindly production of the juniper-berry (he was not, he owned, "constellated under Aquarius"), his antiquarianism of taste, and relish of the crotchets and whimsies of authorship, are as familiar to us almost as they were to the group he gathered round him Wednesdays at No. 4, Inner Temple Lane, where "a clear fire, a clean hearth, and the rigor of the game" awaited them."