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Mechanics' and Engineers' Pocket-book of Tables, Rules, and Formulas Pertaining to Mechanics, Mathematics, and Physics
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A Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum
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Where There's a Will There's a Way
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The Politics of Sacrifice in Early Greek Myth and Poetry
A new interpretation of sacrifice based on Greek myth and poetics in conjunction with recent research in anthropology.
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oklahoma
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The British Merchant, Or, Commerce Preserv'd
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Catalogue of the London Library, St. James Square, London
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The spirit of laws, with d'Alembert's analysis of the work, tr. by T. Nugent
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History and Genealogy of John Marcy, 1662-1724
John Marcy (ca. 1662-1724) married Sarah Hadlock about 1686, and moved from Roxbury, Massachusetts to Woodstock, Connecticut in 1686. Descendants lived throughout the United States.
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Lady Mary; Or, Not of the World
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