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The Pursuit of Belief - Christian Classics Collection
The Pursuit of Belief - Christian Classics Collection
This meticulously edited religious collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Scripture: Bible First Clement Second Clement Didache Epistle of Barnabas Shepherd of Hermas The Infancy Gospel of Thomas Apocalypse of Peter History: History of the Christian Church (Philip Schaff) Creeds of Christendom (Philip Schaff) Philosophy of Religion: The Confessions of St. Augustine (St. Augustine) On the Incarnation (Athanasius of Alexandria) On the Soul and the Resurrection (Gregory of Nyssa) On the Holy Spirit (Basil the Great) Pastoral Care (Pope Gregory I) An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (John of Damascus) Summa Theologica (Saint Thomas Aquinas) The Imitation of Christ (Thomas à Kempis) A Treatise on Christian Liberty (Martin Luther) The Interior Castle (St. Teresa of Ávila) The Practice of the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence) The Age of Reason (Thomas Paine) The Natural History of Religion (David Hume) Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (David Hume) The Religious Affections (Jonathan Edwards) The Essence of Christianity (Ludwig Feuerbach) Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche) All of Grace (Charles Spurgeon) Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness (Andrew Murray) Orthodoxy (Chesterton) The Everlasting Man (Chesterton) The Sovereignty of God (Arthur Pink) The Kingdom of God Is Within You (Tolstoy) Religious Fiction: Divine Comedy (Dante) Paradise Lost (John Milton) The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan) Zadig (Voltaire) Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (Lew Wallace) Quo Vadis (Henryk Sienkiewicz) In His Steps (Charles M. Sheldon) The Story of the Other Wise Man (Henry Van Dyke) The Ball and the Cross (Chesterton) The Enchanted Barn (Grace Livingston Hill) The Grand Inquisitor (Dostoevsky Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship (Goethe) Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche) Spirituality: The Conduct of Life (Ralph Waldo Emerson) Lessons in Truth (H. Emilie Cady) As a Man Thinketh (James Allen) Thoughts are Things (Prentice Mulford) The Game of Life and How to Play It (Florence Scovel Shinn)
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Underwater Medicine and Related Sciences
Underwater Medicine and Related Sciences
This volume is the third annotated bibliography on this subject area to be compiled by these authors. The first, published by Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, in 1971, was entitled AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON DIVING AND SUBMARINE MEDICINE. It covered material published during the 1960's. The second volume, entitled UNDERWATER MEDICINE AND RELATED SCIENCES: A GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE, published in 1973 by Plenum Press, covered primarily material published during 1970 and 1971, with some material from 1968 and 1969. The present volume covers material published during 1972 and 1973, but here again some earlier material has been included. The purpose of these annotated bibliographies is to make available a large proportion of the published material, in abstract form, indexed in such a manner as to make it possible to compile a reasonably complete annotated bibliography on any specific subject area in the field. It is possible thus to learn where the work is being done, by whom, and how extensively. Also, it becomes obvious what areas of research are lacking or inadequate. These specific searches can also form a background of reference material on which to base further research, or from which to write monographs or state-of-the-art surveys. Papers, articles and reports listed here are in most cases readily available.
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The Appearance of Witchcraft
The Appearance of Witchcraft
Shortlisted for the 2008 Katharine Briggs Award. For centuries the witch has been a powerful figure in the European imagination; but the creation of this figure has been hidden from our view. Charles Zika’s groundbreaking study investigates how the visual image of the witch was created in late fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Europe. He charts the development of the witch as a new visual subject, showing how the traditional imagery of magic and sorcery of medieval Europe was transformed into the sensationalist depictions of witches in the pamphlets and prints of the sixteenth century. This book shows how artists and printers across the period developed key visual codes for witchcraft, such as the cauldron and the riding of animals. It demonstrates how influential these were in creating a new iconography for representing witchcraft incorporating themes such as the power of female sexuality, male fantasy, moral reform, divine providence and punishment, the superstitions of non-Christian peoples and the cannibalism of the new world. Lavishly illustrated and encompassing in its approach, The Appearance of Witchcraft is the first systematic study of the visual representation of witchcraft in the later fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It will give the reader a unique insight into how the image of the witch evolved in the early modern world.
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Monovalent Cations in Biological Systems
Monovalent Cations in Biological Systems
This unique volume provides an integrated overview of the subject of monovalent cations, specifically aimed at students and researchers. It is divided into two parts: the first deals with the processes by which monovalent cations are transported across biological membranes; the second deals with the processes that are affected by changes in intracellular cations. Each chapter describes in simple biochemical terms the interaction between one or more monovalent cations and a particular biological system of importance to current understanding of body function in health and disease. This useful publication is invaluable to students and researchers in biochemistry, physiology, neurology, pharmacology, anesthesiology, cardio-pulmonology, hematology, laboratory medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, internal medicine, psychiatry, urology, biomedical physics and medical nutrition.
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Political Risk Management
Political Risk Management
This work compresses much of the established literature on risk and investment-business strategy. While it may not offer new direction, it succeeds in bringing together the perspectives of international finance, rooted in country risk analysis, with those of broader social science. It focuses the reader's attention on the political and social forces directly impacting on business operations. This, this book serves as an excellent literature review for academics, and helps the strategic planner in business get a grip on the political risk literature from a multidisciplinary perspective. It deserves a prominent place in the political risk/international business environment literature. The International Executive
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