Formative Assessment Policies, Programs, and Practices in the Southwest Region. Issues & Answers. REL 2008-No. 041
This study examines evidence about state- and district-level formative/diagnostic policies, programs, and practices of states in the Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest (REL Southwest). Using case study methodology and data collected through document analyses and interviews with state- and district-level representatives, researchers compared the ways in which Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas define formative assessment, regulate formative assessment practices, and support the development and implementation of formative assessment practices at the state and district levels. In addition, a sample of locally-initiated formative/diagnostic assessment practices drawn from these states is described. Findings suggest that substantial variability exists across states in the REL Southwest in the ways in which each defines formative assessment and in the degree to which each guides or supports development and/or use of formative assessments at the state and district levels. Because of the dearth of empirical evidence on the impact of state policies on formative assessment practice, a call for research emerges to support state decision-makers seeking to better understand the ways in which state-level guidance may foster effective local formative assessment practices and ensure cross-district consistency with the state's educational goals. Five appendixes are included: (1) State Statistics; (2) Study Methods and Limitations; (3) Side by Side Comparison; (4) Letter of Introduction; and (5) Questions for District Representatives. (Contains 7 tables and 2 boxes.) [This report was prepared for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) by Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest administered by Edvance Research.].