Building Inclusive Schools
Offering the best practices in inclusive schooling, the authors demonstrate that individualized instruction can be enhanced, not lost, in differentiated, standards-based general education classrooms with their newest edition of their best-selling book, Building Inclusive Schools. Written as a guide for pre-service teachers as well as teachers, administrators, service providers, parents, school site teams, systems change and professional development coordinators, this book presents the best research-based strategies for implementing inclusion or planning for new inclusive efforts at the school or district level. In the second edition of Building Inclusive Schools, the authors outline specific steps and processes to help educators unify the systems and resources around them to promote the academic achievement of all students, including students from at-risk situations, and students with mild as well as severe disabilities. Based on years of classroom research the authors include discussions and plans to address today's most pressing topics, including: Response to Intervention, Universal Design, Differentiated, standards-based instruction with adaptation, Student-Led IEPs, Service Learning and Character Education, Positive Behavioral Supports, co-teaching, and Empowerment Evaluation. The result is a resource that aides in the development and execution of a state of the art model for curriculum and instruction and supports the goals of staff developers and school teams in their efforts to improve student success.