Letters from Carl Sandburg
Letters received by composer, Elizabeth Carpenter Marshall, from the poet Carl Sandburg, probably around 1926. The letter dated April 2 [1926?], written on Chicago Daily News letterhead, is a note of thanks from Sandburg to Marshall, niece of the composer, John Alden Carpenter, for the musical settings she created for four of the songs in his American regional songbook, The American songbag: "A pretty fair maid"; "We are four bums"; "You fight on"; and "Somebody". Sandburg goes on to praise another composer, Thorvald Otterström, for his simplicity and directness, and says that he hopes to entertain Marshall, Otterström, and D[orothy] K. A[ldis] at his home very soon. . The second letter, only a brief note dated Feb. 21 [1926?], mentions the song "On the Wabash Cannonball."